Hello Everyone, ~ FOREVER LOVE ~ I want to talk today about - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone, ~ FOREVER LOVE ~ I want to talk today about relationships and marriage. When I was a child, I was led to believe that marriage was a forever relationship, that when you promised to love and care for the other person it was forever. I still believe this with all of my heart. The problem I have found in this life is people do not take commitment seriously or they are afraid to make this kind of commitment. When was twenty-six, I got married for the first time. We have five children together and to me it was forever. When after nine years it did not work out, I was heartbroken for several years. My dream of being married one time to the same person was shattered. I married a second time and it lasted for basically four months. Again, my ideals of what a marriage was supposed to be were completely shaken. After several years apart, my first wife and I tried marriage again to see if we could make it work out. This was now my third time being married and it lasted about a year. It took several years for us to let go and we have not spoken in many years now. Please notice, I am not pointing any fingers here. I am just sharing the events. I have come to see that I have had some deep karma to work out and that we each have a role to play in the karmic wheel of life. After three times and each not lasting the lifetime I was looking for, I had honestly given up completely on marriage and the idea of that kind of relationship. I had decided if I met someone, we would just live together, but I had in no way given up on True Love or finding my soul mate. But what I did do is separate myself for five years and just focused on myself growing and taking care of my children. I went on about three dates a year but nothing to speak of in any serious form. Through this time and back to the year 1999, I had dreams and visitations from a woman. Our hearts grew close and I could always feel her spirit close to me. In the beginning of the spiritual visits and dreams, I could only see her back. Through the years as we grew closer in the spiritual world, then the dreams and visitations became more intimate. As time passed, she would then come and I could see the front of her and her facial features, but never perfectly clear. They were always hidden a little bit. As time passed, I began to search deeply for her all over the world through dating sites, in my dreams, and in my meditations. I could feel her searching just as deeply and longing for me as I did for her. I felt as time passed I was gaining more clarity about her and where she was from in this world. As time passed, it was now 2010 in my life and I was being directed that I was leaving Texas and going to live overseas some place. All this time, my greatest desire and longing was to find my sweetheart! It was truly a burning fire inside of me and nothing could satisfy it except to find her. By July 2011, I knew I was coming to Hawaii. I had also felt through my dreams and the desires of my heart that my sweetheart was Japanese and from Japan. So before I felt I was to go to Hawaii, I was researching to go to Japan. But in the end, I felt it was Hawaii I was to go to and that I would meet my sweetheart here in Hawaii and that we would make a trip together to go to Japan. I booked a room in Honolulu for three weeks and thought I would see what would happen. I would like to remind everyone that I was ill when I left Texas and was in great need of healing in many ways, so it was a trip of faith on many levels and areas of my life. My only plan was that if I did not feel led to stay in Honolulu, I would go to Maui. Six days before my time was up at the hotel, I met this Beautiful Japanese woman. It was amazing from the moment I saw her eyes!! We met on October 7th. We talked for six hours the first night. I knew when I met her I had no desire to meet anyone else. We spent a lot more time together over the next couple of days. We went to Maui together on Sunday the 10th. This is where she was currently living, in Maui. She was leaving the following Wednesday to go to Japan. We ended up going to Japan together that day, the 13th of October, and we stayed ten days. She had to return for work. It was amazing in so many ways how we met and how quickly we just melted together. We returned to Maui on the 25th of October. The 24th was my birthday so I was in Japan for my 48th birthday. It was the best birthday I have ever had in my life. It was heavenly from the first moment just as I had always felt it would be. Then when we got back, we had to find a place to live. We stayed with one of her friends for about ten days and then we moved into a little house. I had asked her to marry me when we were in Japan on top of this beautiful mountain that had a huge flower garden on the top of the mountain. This was part of our plans, to get married when we returned to Maui. I previously had no desire to get married again, but honestly, the moment I looked into her eyes, I knew this was the woman I had longed for and all I wanted was to marry her. We made plans to get married within a couple of weeks but she was not ready and got a little scared. I suggested that we just have a spiritual wedding with only her and me. We had planned to get married on 11/11/11. In the end, we did this with just her and me. It was so powerful on so many levels! Absolutely amazing is the best way to put it. I told her when she was ready we could get married with the state documents. I wanted us to both be at perfect peace when we got married with neither one of us being afraid but 1,000% sure. On 11/11/11, we both promised to love and care for each other forever and I know we both meant this from the depths of our hearts! Shortly before this, we started to have many difficulties. Honestly, neither one of us knew exactly how to handle the things that happened and came up. Today is exactly two years since we got married before the Divine and promised each other to be together and to care and love each other Forever! We have separated many times over the last two years, but each time we got back together, we were both more open and we were both more in love with each other. I had a friend recently tell me about the Twin Flames relationship. As I read it, the whole thing fit her and I to a perfect description. It helped me to understand some of the dynamics of what was going on between her and I. I find today on 11/11/13, I am alone here at the house again, that my sweetheart and I are separated yet again. This time is the longest we have gone with no communication; over two months now. This has been one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through. No matter what happens, I just love her more and desire to be with her more. Because she has chosen to leave and she wanted to make her life without me, I have not made any attempt to contact her. I miss her and long for her every day and every night. I am holding space for her. I truly have no desire for anyone else. At the same time, choosing to stand and wait for her to return is so deeply painful, to really trust this will happen. It is such a fine line between trusting for her heart to open more and for her to return, and letting her go so we can both move forward in life! At points I feel so strongly she is truly my soul mate and other times I lose this and just do not know what to do! So why am I sharing all of this? I think it is deeply important that we each find our soul mate in this lifetime as in any other lifetime as well. When my sweetheart and I are together and both of us in our hearts, it is simply the most powerful, tender and amazing love I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I have not seen this kind of love with anyone or even read about this depth of love in any books. She is my first thought as I wake up, my last as I go to sleep, and with each breath I take, she is in each thought day and night. It is a bond that I cannot break in any way, nor do I wish to. Yet what remains to be seen is if this is the same for her. In a recent article I had shared that I have had a vision since I was five years old that I was still waiting for this vision to be completed in this life! The vision is this situation with my sweetheart. I am working daily to surrender this all to the Divine and let the Divine bring forth what is meant to be. I also know there are many of you out there in the same boat as me, searching for the one true lasting love! I have had to work so hard in my life not to harden my heart due to all the pain and abuse caused by others in my life. I still am working each moment to become softer, for both my sweetheart and I have to grow for us to become of one heart and one soul in our daily lives. She would tell me the safest place she had ever felt in her life was in my arms! When we were both in our hearts and compassion, I could say the same; the safest place I had ever felt was when she was in my arms! I could just stay there for hours and hours and forget the rest of the world! We both have had difficult things to work out of our hearts, healing needed and some complete changes only the Divine can bring about. But no matter how difficult it has been, my love for her has only grown stronger and has helped to change me to love others more deeply and unconditionally. I have never had this kind of love with anyone before. Do not get me wrong. I have always loved with all of my heart with everyone in my life, but this has taken it beyond any kind of human love and taken it to a completely Divine love! Through my love for her, I have more deeply come to understand true love, true compassion and how deeply the Divine loves each of us. The love we have for each other I can honestly say has helped to heal me and open me up on a truly Divine level!! I send her all the love and compassion I can each day and night, working to trust that this all has a purpose and at the same time to let her go so she can make the choices she desires in life, allowing fate and destiny to have their way through the Divine plan! This is dealing with all my weaknesses and any place that my mind would want to try to control anything. I am also going through this same kind of letting go in every area of my life. Any illusions that my mind has on being in control are being washed away. I am simply working to surrender to the Divine in all I do so that I may truly learn what “Forever Love” really is! We have to stop with all the play love. People today change partners as often as they change clothes. Relationships have become disposable rather than “Forever.” As for me, I simply want one woman to share my life with and it to be “Forever Love” as we both promised each other. This is a deeply personal area for me and has been my most difficult growth and greatest joy over all these years of waiting! So you see, without Patience, how we can find any truth, wisdom, compassion, love or Maturity! In all this I have my good days and my difficult days. Today is our two year anniversary and I feel the depth of emptiness and longing for her. She asked me to respect her desire to live her life without me. I told her I would do this for her as she asked me too. I find I have to walk this out day by day in my own heart and have patience to allow life to unfold as it is supposed to without me trying to make it happen my way. I have learned the way of the divine is always the very best way! This is where we are at in the world today! Our fate is deeply in our hands! But without the Divine to help us and intervene on the behalf of humanity, I feel we will destroy the world we live in! For me personally, I feel I have to work with all of my heart to have the true love and tenderness I desire, but without the Divine to intervene for me on my behalf, I feel I cannot do this on my own. I must connect completely with the Divine creator to accomplish my purpose in this life! As I release this for you to take to heart, I release my own desires and my own life to the direction of the Divine Creator! I hope this will help just one soul in your path! With much compassion! Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch Facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson You are also welcome to join my group “The Heart of Healing Maui: facebook/groups/Muaihealing/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 18:38:13 +0000

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