Hello Everyone! Here are the minutes from our last Douglass - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone! Here are the minutes from our last Douglass Governing Council Meeting on October 29, 2013. Douglass Governing Council “Representing Students and Empowering Women” Agenda October 29, 2013 I. Call to Order (7:26) II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Alma Mater (7:27) IV. Roll Call (7:27) 10 voting members present V. Approval of Minutes (7:28) VI. Approval of the Agenda (7:28) Added Points of Discussion 1. In-house Information Sessions 2. Town hall 3. Dean Litt comes to DGC Added New Business 4. Appointment of Jen Kim VII. Speaker (removed) 1. Jonathan Portillo - Douglass Caucus Chair VIII. New Business (7:31) 1. DGC F13 #2 Friendly amendments Maribel-4th clause end with and, 5th clause therefore Laura- how will we actually be participating Marina- DGC will appear in the header and footer Danielle- add clause stating that we will be added in the header and footer Jamila- clarification Danielle- option to motion a debate is a possibility, any motions for a speaker’s list? No? Motion to move DGC F13#2 to old business Courtney- Motion to move DGC F13#2 to old business Seconded 2. Appointment of Jen Kim (7:37) No nays No abstentions IX. Old Business (7:37) DGC F13#2 Paper Ballot Motion to move into voting Seconded and approved Passed with 10 yes and 1 abstention X. Officer Reports (7:42) 1. President – Jamila White Update: Big Chill registration- Everyone know what it is? No? Wish to form a team Fall Fest debrief- thank you all who tabled, there were two people that came to our table Meeting with Dean Litt and Jack Molenaar- thank you for the questions, learn about transportation (there will be a bike lane put up in the city of New Brunswick) (EE to H) education about how to get to other campuses more efficiently- an event can be hosted as a suggestion Elect Her- training will happen by Nov 29, looking for campus liaison, fellowship information will be sent in email 2. Internal Vice President – Danielle Spero Monster Mash- thank you for all who came, all candy was taken, a great time Email defined what business casual is Attendance- it is very very important that you make an effort to be here on time Report your Absence! And we need quorum! An email will be sent about what is a valid excuse (if accumulate more than 3 unexcused absences then you will unfortunately no longer be able to be part of the council) Socials- ideas from previous years went to Chipotle together, want to know each other better so that we can better work with each other, it is important to know each other, Anyone have any concerns or suggestions? Jamila: or you can feel free to email us. 3. External Vice President – Alex Nikolinos Alex is not here 4. Treasurer – Courtney Buchanan Will send out another “when is good” Jen- suggestion to put a poster Jamila- We actually have a poster Marissa- Suggestion to have a bake sale as social Tatianna- general consensus for a good day Courtney- Fridays usually aren’t a good day Danielle- 11-2? Monday-Thursday? Courtney- an hr slot Danielle- if you have at least an hour free on Monday 12-4? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? Courtney- based on hand raise Monday, Wednesday, Friday seem to be the best days 5. Secretary – Jane Lo 6. Advisor – Margot Baruch Spootacular Event Tomorrow at 6 Nov 6th Study Abroad Information Session- firsthand accounts also talking about scholarships DCC Meeting Room C 2-3:30 Moving offices- Everyone know about that? Jamila- so we are moving to the Third Floor shared with RUPA Margot- great meeting space, there is a lot of history in the office that we want to preserve with very interesting stuff. We need to find a way to archive. I would want someone Douglass Historical Society to come to speak to you all. Maybe they can be placed in the Alexander Library XI. Representative Reports 8:00 Laura- joint officer report, Bunting Cobb was too competitive, RA is happy with the idea of having an event Marina- last Wednesday was plenary, there was an overwhelming positive experience from class of 2017, Health Center offering flu shots (FREE!) Jen- suggestions to make the space smaller Danielle- were thinking about it Jamila- Courtney they set up the room for us correct? Danielle- If anyone has any ideas for set up. Trappa- the meeting rooms are more circular Danielle- round table may be awkward for newcomers Courtney- I guess I can definitely talk to them about making the squares smaller? Jen- if we have 8 tables that would be enough. Jamila- we want more ppl in DGC so how about we use this space problem and advertise to fill these seats Margot- have you ever had 30 ppl? Danielle- once we had a bunch of Deans as guests, but it is rare Tatianna- plenary, we should be able to do that again Jamila- speak at the next plenary, we will also be speaking at Knowledge and Power sections, that’s how we are going to advertise DGC to the community Marissa- if you are interested, if anyone in the traditions committee can do it? If you are interested talk to Margot- Wednesdays? Margot- they are not set, a “when is good” was sent out, ideally I would like to see as many of you as possible, I want you to think about how this organization can take a lead role in traditions (Yule Log and Sacred Path) Trappa- Yule Log is a ceremony where you get a charm? No? that’s Sacred Path. Danielle- It’s a coming together to celebrate all winter holidays. It’s very cool, very traditional Margot- Stair Seniors, Sunday Dec 8th, Sacred Path is like a moving up of classes (each year gets a different charm and at the end of your four years you’ll have four charms) It is a big deal. This year we’ve created a Traditional Events Committee. Trappa- Nope. Prajna- Safety, street lights, safety walks will be great Danielle- yes that is definitely something we will work on and address XII. Discussion (8:16) 1. In-house Information Sessions Courtney- go to each of the residential halls and present DGC, have a powerpoint and have pizza The first of our focus will be Katzenbach. The first or second week of November. I am in contact with Sabrina. When will you be free in the evening to go to Katzenbach. Trappa- Tuesdays in-place of our meetings? Danielle- not in-place but we can meet right after our meeting and go to Katzenbach. As long as we have a good showing it is ok. 2. Town Hall Meeting Jamila- Meeting with the Cook/Douglass Chair, Combine Cook and Douglass Town Hall, Good idea is that we have one open for all and then the next hour for DRC specific, want it by November, Any questions? Suggestions? Maribel- recruitment for DGC, from the last town hall that I went to, was that you actually have a sheet laid out with the open positions available. That is what we should include Laura- she said exactly what I wanted to say. Trappa- have speakers and allow them to voice their opinions Danielle- if you anymore points you can email the DGC email and attention Jamila 3. Dean Litt Jamila- Want to be in top shape when Dean Litt comes Marissa- it’s more of general thing, a bigger campaign for continuing students, and following up with these continuing students, there should be more of an effort to make continuing students feel like they belong Laura- continue with what she was saying. People don’t know that they can still join. I have met ppl that I am shocked are not a Douglass Woman. More of the extern program and scholarships, later on these become a draw for Douglass. Maribel- Douglass should try to bring their message out there that academic is a draw Margot- we should think of solutions. We want to be able to tell her what we want her to do. We want to solve those problems. Jen- safety, apparently another Douglass organization is working to have all the blue lights fixed Jamila- there are blue lights at most Douglass bus stops, but ppl do not use them. Having police patrol is actually more money. There is a line that will have police escorts. Danielle- This does not have to do with Dean Litt, so will need to ask us to stay on topic. XIII. Committees (30 mins) (8:33) XIV. Input (8:51) Trappa input Maribel- Nov 7 8-10 BCC Fondue and Don’ts of an interview XV. Roll Call (8:52) XVI. Adjournment (8:53) Hear our voices Alma Mater, Douglass College, Hail to thee; Hearts and songs now join together in a pledge of fealty. Though our future paths may sever thoughts of golden college days, in our hearts will live Forever, as a constant song of praise.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:11:13 +0000

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