Hello Everyone! I am sure all of you have been wondering how my - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone! I am sure all of you have been wondering how my appointment with the oral surgeon went....well that day was a complete FAIL! I got in my wheelchair (about a 45 minute task) and was heading out the door when Matt came in the house indistinctly yelling about something, finally we were able to understand why he was so mad, we had gotten a parking ticket right in front of our house because we didnt realize the temporary registration had expired at midnight that day! EPIC FAIL! :) My mom was very upset and even cried because it is so important to her to never slack in our care and to always take care of any type of business that needs done. As she was crying I had this overwhelming thought in my head, it was like a voice telling me dont be upset things didnt work out, I am watching over you and thats when I realized maybe something was going to happen, maybe I would not tolerated the trip (if you remember my lungs were very congested that day) or maybe we would have been in an accident, something, I will never know what if anything but I believe in my heart it was God watching over us and that is reason enough for me. Although, now we have a $75.00 parking ticket to pay ;) When I told my mom what I heard and felt she hugged me and just Thanked me, I am not sure why, I owe her more Thanks and gratitude for giving me and Allie such a wonderful life. So, on to this week, oh yeah first, we have rescheduled my oral surgeon appointment for in June sometime and as it turns out my mom felt I had a sinus infection and had the doc prescribe some antibiotics and sure enough, the pain in my cheek and mouth went away after the first couple doses! So, on to this week, WE HAD OUR MAIDEN VOYAGE!!! Here are pics of me and Allie on our first trip together in the bus! We went to our pulmonologist, Dr. Nakamura, he said we were both doing great and suggested a nose spray for me to help with my allergies. It was pretty cool because the resident that was there was wearing one of my wristbands and I had never met him! It was sad though because he has a close friend that had a baby that passed away from SMA and now he really wants to learn all about SMA and how to give the best care to an SMA child! God once again connects peoples lives and has paths for all of us. I think that covers everything for now here are a few fun facts for this week: movie series I an watching for family movie night: Pirates of the Caribbean, we are on the 3rd one, went to watch 2 the other night and turned on the TV to see my awesome friend Josh Duhamel was on int the movie Life as we know it, watch it instead, it was really good, Josh is AWESOME! Allies favorite things this week: Laurence Welk Christmas Special and P!nk s concert in Melbourne and her favorite song (which came on in the bus on the way home from the doctors and is SO FITTING) is Luke Brians This is How We Roll! Its Emily: Emily is still so excited about learning to ride a bike and tells EVERYONE so sees about it :) her favorite game to play in Minecraft but I makes me want to send away for a Acme bomb to blow up it up! >:D funny things my mom did: my mom made up a song to narrate everything she was doing, she said words backwards again, and for two days every time she want to suction my mouth the wand had disappeared the the end of the hose, so she acted like she was a magician and was making it disappear. My dad and Matt cracked me up because my dad couldnt get my socks on the other day and Matt couldnt get them off the next day! Hope you have enjoyed my update and I have a favor to ask each of you, Please find happiness in your day, give your love and kindness freely and know that each one of you that read and follow me give me strength and inspiration to Keep Moving Forward you make a difference in this world! THANK YOU and God Bless you all!
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 20:46:43 +0000

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