Hello Everyone, I just wanted to give everyone an update... I - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone, I just wanted to give everyone an update... I think most everyone knows that we moved to Charleston, SC on January 1st of this year... and that is really when the latest leg of the lifes journey began... some might say that the journey ended when we arrived in Charleston 2 days later.... That however would be incorrect.. when arrived here in Charleston, it started what was just another leg of Gods journey for our lives... Time and time again we have seen God come thru for us over the last couple months... even while we still have had to overcome some unexpected hurdles... one the biggest would be when we realized that my wifes CNA license will not immediately transfer and will have to go thru the schooling again before we can have her go back to work in that capacity... this was completely unexpected and yet we are trusting God to take care of us...and we know that God will come thru for us.. Since we made the decision to move we have received various responses to our choice to make a move halfway across the country having only viewed Charleston via you tube videos and google maps prior to moving out here with nothing more than a PT Cruiser and whatever we could fit in a rented 5x8 trailer... as everything else was either sold, given away or was a part of a mountain of stuff we left by the dumpster at our Apartment back in Spring Hill....(some thought we were nuts...others thought it was reckless, and others thought it was cool, but said there is no way I could do that and variations in between).. due to our financial situation we didnt have the ability to come out and explore the area before moving out here.... but we had peace in our hearts and a knowing that whatever the risks, challenges or battles we might face, that God would be with us... Often times people want the stories of having great victories in their lives but where there are no great battles there can be no great victories..and as a result we might have to overcome some challenging circumstances if we are going to win in life.... As a Christian I believe in living a life of faith and trusting that God will take care of us... but there have been and I imagine will be days in the future that my faith will be challenged. However I remind myself that I must continue to trust God regardless of the circumstances... Some might say that the risks we took were unwise or irresponsible... I guess my response to that would be someone once said a ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what ships were made to do. If we constantly live in the safety and security of the harbor- whatever harbor of safety that may be in our lives- then we may never truly see God work in our lives in a way that allows him to get the full credit in our lives... We cannot always play life safe... life is too short for that...A famous writer once said at the end of your life you will regret more the things you didnt do than the things you did.. I believe there is a lot of truth to that statement.. I am not recommending that we be reckless or irresponsible, as it took several years to get us in a position to take our most recent step of faith...rather I am saying that deep inside of everyones heart I believe that God has placed a dream inside of us... its not there to only to dream it, but to live it and to experience life to the fullest.. but many times to live life to the fullest we must take what many people would consider substantial risk and in some cases be willing to risk it all and trust that God will take care of us. ... I know many people might have dreams that if you told those to other people, you would be laughed at, told you couldnt do it, and that it is impossible.. I understand this, because I have been there... but I want to encourage you, the impossible dream is possible... I live it every day... a few years ago, the life I am living now,( while still challenging and we have many, many bumps in the road to overcome) was one that many said would be impossible for me to do ... and they were right.. I couldnt do it, but I have seen God change me and my family in so many ways, he has equipped me with giving me the wisdom to go back to college and has given us wisdom in so many areas... as to how to navigate thru the journey of life the last several years... I cant take credit for what God has done in my life... It has been God that has shown us what to do, as a family my wife and I simply said that God is boss and we are not and we will follow him.... and he has shown himself faithful... just in the last two months I have so many stories of God coming thru even while still standing in Faith that God will continue to come thru... If we are going to live a life that is full of adventure as a Christian , we must have stubborn faith if we are going to succeed.. Stubborn faith in a nutshell is simply believing that God will come thru for us regardless of what happens... It is from knowing that God will take care of us that we can walk confidently in knowing that we are safe and secure in Gods arms... So I want to everyone to know... God is a BIG God.. and he will take care of you... so dream BIG dreams, but dont just dream them...live them... because that is why God puts them there.. it isnt to live our lives in perpetual frustration in which we live with a deep rooted frustration that comes from living with the realization that we never truly lived those dreams... Our purpose, our calling and ultimately our destiny is to dream big dreams, and then live our those dreams on a daily basis... God doesnt think small and neither should we.. so how do we know what these big dreams are? I think someone once said- the dream is not what you think about when you sleep, its that which you think about that doesnt let you sleep- .. I know in my life that is an accurate statement... and our recent move is merely one more step in the journey... as I continue to lay awake at night thinking about all that God is going to do in the coming months and years... I dont just dream it.. I expect it to happen.. it is not ----if--- it will happen but ---when----...because I know God is big enough...even when I am not... So dream, expect and ultimately live the impossible dream and when remember someone tells you it is impossible- that the people who say it is impossible are being passed on the journey of life, by the ones who are doing the impossible dream.... there are 7-9 billion people on this earth.. who cares if a few small minded people say you cant do it... because God says you can .. and that is what counts... In conclusion just to finish with some practical encouragement... on this journey you most likely fall and stumble many times.. I know I have ... more times than I can remember, but if we are going to live the impossible dream... you have to live life with a -Dont give up- but get up- mentality... life and our own poor decisions will most likely cause to stumble and fall, but on the journey to living Gods best for our life... it is not about how many times you fall ... it is about how many times you get back up... so remember.. DONT GIVE UP--- GET UP! I promise you.. you wont regret it ... Josh
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:34:41 +0000

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