Hello Everyone: It has come to my attention that some people may - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone: It has come to my attention that some people may be afraid to donate because they think that this might be a scam. First off: let me say I am so sorry if I have ever given that impression to any of you. Secondly, let me try my best to assure you that we are not trying to scam anyone. I was recently the victim of a scam myself and lost nearly $2000 - I know how badly that feels and I would never, EVER, do that to anyone. I am a Christian, I believe in God and I would not scam anyone because not only is that just horrible, but its also a sin against God. Thirdly, the money is not going JUST to get these babies fixed. In addition to the little ones, we have other animals, including three dogs, that all need things. Our Poodle/Bichon mix, Clarence, who was literally taken from the streets where he was living, is a mess of hair and needs a desperate grooming. He is very skittish (who wouldnt be after what he had been through) and needs a specialized groomer who works with difficult animals. Our German Shepherd, Lady (adopted from the Downey Animal Rescue), needs her shots but she is absolutely terrified of the car and wont even go near it so we have to find and pay for a mobile veterinarian. These are just some of the other animals in our house. I hope this helps alleviate any concerns anyone may have had. If it does not, I would be more than happy to speak to you on the phone or we can even set up a Skype session if you would like to see the babies. Sorry for the novel here, but I just wanted to try to address the concerns that were brought to my attention. -Jenn gofundme/b49nug
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:24:50 +0000

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