Hello Everyone, ~ JAVA ~ When God moves in mysterious ways, - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone, ~ JAVA ~ When God moves in mysterious ways, what do you do? How do you follow the path of the Divine?? We have to first learn a new language that only our heart and spirit can understand, one in which we can speak to only one other soul; only this soul who is truly connected to us in a completely Divine way! For me, I could call this language ~ JAVA ~ then only this one soul who is my Divine twin flame or as I would say my Soul mate, only she would understand I was talking to her and about her as I write to this deep soul, about Divine love and oneness of the heart and soul! She would know the language of my heart because it would be the language of her heart as well! This is the problem. There are many people who are married and they do not speak the same language of the heart! We have to find the one soul who we speak the same language of the heart, like I said; the one soul who can Fan the flames to my heart and soul! If I were to call her Java, because only she would know my heart is speaking to her, then she would know that my heart only beats for her, my lungs only breathe for her, my blood only flows for her, my eyes only long to see her and look deep into her soul!! She would not be afraid for she would feel the same way about me because we speak the same language of the heart! It does not mean you have to know each other for years before you speak the same words of the heart! It could be you have been searching for her all your life like me, or she has been waiting for me or you all of her life! Then one day when it simply is the right time, you reach out into space and just grab each other. She tells me I am Java, the serenity of her heart! Then with no words from my mouth, I know she is speaking directly to my heart! She is my Java! Then I could tell her I have been waiting for her all my life as well and she would hear me because we both speak the words of Java!! The reality for me is I know there is only one woman on this planet that speaks the language of Java like me! I have asked God for so many years, how long must I wait to find this dearest soul to my heart, this one woman on earth who speaks the words of Java to my heart and soul, the one soul who in the beginning of time was born of fire and gold just as me? We were made one heart, one soul, one mind, and one body thousands of years ago! Then God broke us in half and sent us into this world and said to each soul you must find JAVA! Then you will be one again with each other! So each soul has had to grow and mature all the time, longing for each other until they were both ready to once again find the Java of their heart and soul! Now for me, I know I still have to wait for my sweet love to see that we are both of the words of Java! I do know so many of you are looking for that one soul who speaks the same language of the heart that you do! This is really the key. We must be of the same heart, the same soul, the same language of the heart! Tonight I write this for each of you to help you to see more clearly what we need to do to find our soul mate, for this is truly God’s time for so many of us to find this one soul we have waited so long for! This year, 2014, is a year of many weddings of the heart, many joining from the soul! I write this in such a deep way that only she will feel my vibration, only she will understand my words and the calling of my heart! Only she will feel me speaking the Language of her heart; that she is my Java serenity and I am her Java Love! When you truly find the soul you speak the same language of the heart with, here is the key to this love! You will be so drawn to each other that you will run like the wind into each other’s arms to once again be intertwined like night and day and the sun and the moon; a constant love affair of the heart and soul, a continuous love of the heart and soul! My dear love Java, do you feel my heart and soul calling you? Do you see by these words how you deeply Fan the Flames to my heart and soul?? My friends, here is the key to all of this and why we must wait! Only I and my dear love speak the language of Java!! For each of you, it is your own language of the heart! You just have to find the one soul who speaks the same words of the heart as you! I believe with all of my heart that God gives two souls their own language of their heart that only these two souls understand! For me, I now see mine is called Java, for it is only She, Java, who can Fan the Flames to my heart and soul! You must find what is yours, then you will find the lover of your heart and soul, the one who can truly Fan the Flames to your very Soul!! With love and longing for my dear Java! Aaron (This article was written June 2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch Facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson You are also welcome to join my group “The Heart of Healing Maui” at facebook/groups/Muaihealing/ https://facebook/aaronpiersonhealingmaui -------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:03:49 +0000

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