Hello Everyone, “MARRIAGE OF THE HEART: PART 3” How do - TopicsExpress


Hello Everyone, “MARRIAGE OF THE HEART: PART 3” How do we find our soul mate is such a deep subject! How do we find a love that goes so deep beyond the mind into the depths of the heart and soul! You must read part one and part two to get the foundation for what I am about to share. This part is going to deal with the need for the complete nakedness of the heart and soul, to have the courage to make ourselves completely vulnerable on a level that is so scary we might want to run for the hills and find a cave and never come out again! I have worked to make myself completely vulnerable and keep my heart open completely all the time! This is the deepest part I see people run from! But to be honest, we will never have a marriage of the heart if we are not willing to make ourselves completely naked from the heart and soul! When I say completely naked, I mean as much as we know how to do today, for if we keep growing each day, then we will be able to become more vulnerable each day! I continually find myself in this place again and again, having been hurt deeply because I put my heart out there continually, but I will not allow myself to shut down because I got hurt. I will continue to choose to get stronger and continue to put my heart out there. We can only find true deep Divine love with another soul if we are willing to put ourselves out there completely! If you want tenderness, you must give it. If you want compassion, you must give it. If you want to be first in your lover’s heart, you must put them first! If we want trust, we must first extend trust! We must always give what we truly want to create this karma and energy to draw in what we want! If we want another to give us all of their heart and soul, then we must be willing to give them all of our heart and soul first! We must be the one to reach out and completely bare ourselves to a complete nakedness of our heart and soul! For me I have found both men and women are terrified to open their heart on this kind of deep completely naked level! You can say, “Oh I am not!”, but who do you know that is so open they can see right through you and help you to see all your games, illusions and lies? It is when we venture out into deeper waters and start hanging around some very old souls or some of the few ancient souls living today! It is then we will get challenged beyond what our minds are comfortable with! It is easy to say oh my heart is very open and I am very deep when we are playing with first graders all the time, when we run with the common crowd. But when we will allow God to separate us and begin to purge away all of our illusions, then we will begin to see we are really not as open as we thought we were. We must be willing to see ourselves as we truly are with all the faults and weaknesses. Then focus to heal these and become a more mature soul. When we live in a world full of aggressive bears, which we do, we are surrounded by them and the strongest ones dominate the weak. This is all we know. Often we do not see we are acting just like the bears simply because we do not know any better. We have never seen anything but an aggressive bear! Then one day, this beautiful majestic White Elephant appears in the crowd of bears. He is very gentle. He does not hurt the bears but he is so large and powerful all the bears are afraid to try to hurt him. Then slowly, the Elephant begins to help others to see themselves in reality, that they are not bears at all but many different kinds of creatures. They have never really been able to see who they really are. They were just always told, “You are a bear!” So they followed the behaviors of the bears! The point is, if you are a butterfly at heart, how can you find a perfect union with a bear! If you are a rabbit, a horse, or an elephant, you must open your heart to find the soul who is like you, not the opposite or of a different nature completely!! This is part of the problem with illusions and living in our minds! We cannot and do not see reality of the heart and soul! We have to come to see and accept who we really are at the core of our heart our true nature! Then we must look at why we seem to choose a soul who is not like us but rather the opposite; one who is so difficult and abusive to us! As we accept our true nature, whatever that may be, then we will no longer try to become something we are not, nor will we try to bond deeply of the heart with the opposite energy of our true nature! It is this self-inflicted pain we continue that so deeply keeps us from being able to completely make ourselves naked from the heart! It is our bad choices that we continue to make as a dove to try to mate with a bear!! We must gain the wisdom and healing to open our hearts to another dove and then we will be able to fly and live with harmony and peace! No longer will we be beaten into a cage and live with chains binding us to that which we were not meant to be! I lived this way myself so I know what I am talking about! I have come to see I am like a Dove and my mother was a bear, as were many of the women I was around when I was young. I kept trying to be with a she bear and I kept getting hurt very deeply! Now I have come to see the true nature of my own heart and I am working to find my Sweet Dove and no longer try to live in harmony with a bear when it is not possible in reality to do so! Here is a big key to opening our heart and being able to be safely Vulnerable to the core! If we are a Dove by true nature, we must choose another Dove to be our true mate and not try to conform to the habits of a bear but to transcend and accept we are a dove! Then we will long to find our true mate, another Dove! Part of what has helped me all these years is all the healing work I have done with other people and being able to see how people choose someone who is not like themselves in the essence of who they are but choose an energy that is dominate and will eat them alive or bite them every chance they get! This in reality is a sign of immaturity. So here we reach the reality of what it will take for you or me to find this Beautiful Marriage of the heart!! A greater maturity to see and accept our true nature then to be mature enough to find our true soul mate who is of the same true nature as ourselves! The next part of our healing and opening up to find this true divine marriage of the heart is to find our connection to the God. For it is truly God who heals us, prepares and us and leads us to the one soul who is that pure Divine love for each of us! We may find love with several different people in our lives before we are actually ready to find the one who we can feel completely one with and completely at peace with! May we each find the one who will be so gentle and tender with our heart and soul! With Divine Hope for you and I!! Aaron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact Information: Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch Facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson You are also welcome to join my group “The Heart of Healing Maui” at facebook/groups/Muaihealing/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:02:49 +0000

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