Hello, Everyone. Today, I am not trying to continue my sharing - TopicsExpress


Hello, Everyone. Today, I am not trying to continue my sharing but to tell you one of the scary incident happen in our families. At the time that I am finished my job and return home, I have a strange feeling in my head. That is the reaction of my low blood sugar. Well, I just go to Tim Horton and order a bagel and a coffee and eat it. Rest a little. My strength return and I go back home. I see my Mom is sleeping and I tell her that I already return home. She rest for a little awhile and wake up. I then go to the kitchen and start to heat up the food for Dinner. After awhile, I still do not see her come down. I go to her room and see her trying very hard to walk. I knew immediately that her blood sugar level is very low. I give her a can of pop. Usually, she could recovered very fast but this time she still not feel good after total 10 minutes. I knew that she need some solid food. I just take all the food out and help her to sit down. I almost have to carry her to the chair. She start to drink some soup and I see her condition is trying to going better. I take her blood sugar. That reading shock me. Only 3.0. After drank a can of pop, still her blood sugar is that low. I think her blood sugar level maybe only 1.0 when she wake up. We then eat our Dinner. I see her condition is climbing back to normal. I do another test after the Dinner. Her level is 8.1. Wow, I relax a lot. Too low a blood sugar in our body can make us fainted and pass away. Diabetes is the big killer. This incident, I should praise the Lord for His protection. That still scare me but I am thankful that we are OK now.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:28:26 +0000

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