Hello Facebook. Just following up with an update and addressing - TopicsExpress


Hello Facebook. Just following up with an update and addressing some questions I have been asked recently. First the update. Amazon’s last 14 day pay-period deposit cleared at midnight. It is the portion in blue on the screenshot. It typically takes a couple days to clear. Not that I would know much about typical Amazon timeframes. As I mentioned, September was my first full month on Amazon. Up until February 9th of this year, I had not even sold a single item ever on eBay either. Included screenshot: September 1st- September 30th. After expenses, inventory, etc. I am in the black and have an additional 419 times in stock (385 standard and 34 oversized) as the screenshot illustrates. The current inventory is chugging along at an average of a couple hundred dollars a day, seven days a week. I have a ton of new inventory to ship today as well. So I share all this with you to inspire you, not to toot my own horn. I am NOT in the process of purchasing a fleet of private jets or a staff of servants, but I am making a living and things look much brighter than they did a year ago. Some of you gurus out there look at these numbers and laugh. You’re like “that’s what I make in an hour on the internet”. I realize these are not earth-shaking figures, but again, this was just to show you what an average guy, with no previous eCommerce experience, did on his first month on Amazon. I most likely will not continue to post personal revenue screen shots. The results for September were obtained exclusively using a technique entitled retail arbitrage. This refers to acquiring products from existing stores and reselling them online for a profit. The training I used includes an app for your smart phone that allows you to evaluate specific criteria of an item to determine if you have a potential winner on your hands. Liquidation stores, clearance racks and good fortune come into play. Now, the questions. I know there are a lot of you out there that have no experience or little knowledge of any of this Internet/ network marketing/ eCommerce stuff at all. It can be overwhelming and I am learning on a daily basis. Soon I will be implementing additional strategies, including US wholesalers and overseas manufactures. Stay tuned, but back to the questions. A lot of you out there hear the tern network marketing and the hairs on your neck stand up. You immediately have visions of hotel rah-rah meetings, motivational speakers and bad dance music. The numbers I shared have ZERO to do with the affiliate side of this business. You ask me if this is legit and typically phrase it in the age-old question- “is this a pyramid scheme”? I will save the definition of a Ponzi scheme for later. But NO, new money is not used to sustain older investors with this opportunity. In fact NO recruiting is required to make money, as my results confirm. The business model simply offers an additional income stream, utilizing leverage and residual; not all that different than an insurance broker. And on the subject of income I need to toss out the disclaimer. I have no idea what you will make, if anything. Like any real opportunity in life, this takes effort and work. If you expect to sign up for the training, and do nothing with it, your results will not be the same as mine. In fact, they will likely line up perfectly with the amount of effort you put forth. “So why is there even this affiliate side to this thing anyway, and the word anyway sounds like Amway?” Let’s just say you had a phenomenal training product that was put together by three gentlemen with decades of experience in eCommerce and Internet Marketing. Let’s say that one of them sold over 7 million dollars worth of stuff last year alone. And another was consistently rated in the top 3% of titanium power-sellers on eBay the past ten years, averaging between 1.2 million to 1.8 million in sales per year. Now lets say the third knows a thing or two about leaderboards. What vehicle would you use to change as many lives for the better, as fast as possible? Do you imagine that word of mouth advertising may be effective? I can concur. And as far as acquiring new online skills go… I suppose I should look into blogging, as not to take up this much Facebook real estate in the future :) Until next time. John
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 15:52:23 +0000

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