Hello Facebook friends, In about 2 weeks time there is a talk - TopicsExpress


Hello Facebook friends, In about 2 weeks time there is a talk and meditation evening in Ortaköy on the theme of Truth and truthful communication. So far 8 people have booked a place on it, there are still 12 places left. If you do intend to come I suggest booking early as Im confident it will be fully booked. Kind wishes Vajracaksu TRUTHFUL COMMUNICATION Talk by Saccaka & Meditation evening (English) Evening chaired by Dharmachari Vajracaksu What can we say about the truth when everybody sees and understands things so differently? How do we find the truth? How do we recognise the truth and see the difference between truth and falsehood? How do we live by the truth and how do we communicate truthfully? These are possibly the most fundamental challenges we face as human beings. Sometimes the answers seems paradoxical and contradictory and we will certainly not find all the answers to everything. But searching for it is the most rewarding thing we can do with out lives. The evening will be in workshop style involving meeting everyone, a short guided meditation, listening to the talk, a short tea break and time for questions. Cost: Free Location: The Ortaköy Meditation Studio Date: Monday 7th April 2014 Time: 19.15 – 22.15 Maximum: 20 people About Dharmachari Saccaka: He is Southern African by birth and upbringing, and Istanbul is as far East as he has ever been. He now lives in England, just outside London and has been retired now for 4 years. He was ordained into the international Triratna Buddhist Order 10 years ago, 30 years after he had decided he was a Buddhist. His son is also in the Order and at the moment his daughter is on a 3 month retreat during which she too will join the Order. Just his wife is not a Buddhist but shes sympthetic to Buddhism! His name Saccaka means Man of Truth, one who is inspired by the truth and who seeks to find it, the theme of this talk is one very close to his heart. For more information & to make a reservation send an email to Vajracaksu at Vajracaksu2@gmail
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:52:20 +0000

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