Hello Family and Friends~ I would like to share this with you and - TopicsExpress


Hello Family and Friends~ I would like to share this with you and you can feel free to pass and share with others! You are All Appreciated!!! I want to write a letter of Thanks and Appreciation about my learning experience over the past several months. I hope that it may help someone else in life and understand things they just don’t or can’t understand. I am trying not to mention any names in this letter as I would by no means remember each and every individual or group of which I am about to share. I m also not the best when it comes to writing a letter like this so please bare with me and overlook the mistakes. I am putting my heart to the keys and hope it turn out ok! Well here it is Sunday August 10, 2014 and I am writing a letter of thanks and appreciation. As many of you already know, I had another back surgery this past Monday. The surgeon had explained to me that he was going to be removing the hardware that he installed in my back 16 years ago when I had my accident. It was July 27, 1998 and I jumped off of 76 Fall in Lake Cumberland Kentucky. I hit the water flat on my back and burst T 12 vertebra. The tip of a tooth pick from severing my spinal cord then. I was blessed at that time to have God with me and it did not paralyze me then. That surgery went well and I recovered better than expected. Well this past Monday, the surgeon was honest and told me that this was going to be a very tough operation not only on me but on him as well. With many prayers being sent up before hand and an anointed piece of cloth that the church had sent for me to take into surgery( mind you we could not pin it on so we slid it down the side of my white tight TED hose) for me, the surgeon and operating team Six hour later he came out to tell my family and friends that were waiting that everything went better than expected and he was able to remove all remaining hardware. What an answer to prayer! I got to keep the prayer cloth through-out recovery as well. First and for most I want to take the time and publicly Thank God for watching over me. Not just during the past 6 months, but for the 38 years I have been here on earth. What an understanding, loving God that is Always with us. Even in times when we look back and wonder if our God is that understanding that at time he don’t just drop us and go to other who are in more need than we. NO He is always there, each and every day. Through the good time and the bad, times of sorrow and times of shame he is always rite there with us just a whisper or a hearts prayer away. I know he has been with me at many different times. I also understand as someone told me not to long ago, he will allow you to tread the waters on your own yet he is never out of reach. I have truly been blessed with a loving family. Both of my parents, Ron and Laure have been here for me through out my entire life through both the good and bad times. I realize not many my age can say that. We have not always agreed on everything 100% off the time but we have always remained close and loved each other no matter what. I am so Thankful for God loving and serving parents they are. They have set examples for both my brother and I. My brother Kent, I can just say I don’t know what I would do without him. He has also been by my side and me his throughout the good and bad times of life. Always picking up where we left off after what seem like very long periods of time between talks and visits. We have grown so much closer the past several years and have learned what it is to be Loving and caring brothers. Going out of each others way to help each other out and learn from one another. He has blessed me with a fantastic sister-in-law Sara and a wonderful niece Chelsea. They are both truly a blessing as well. Sara has always been here through the good and bad times as well. I feel as if we have know each other forever. Much love to her. Their daughter Chelsea always brings a smile to my face and light up the room when she walks in. No matter what friends of hers are around you generally hear an I love you from here when she is there. Another gift I have been blessed with is my only living grandparent. My loving grandma Barbra Haneberg. Growing up as a child I was very fortunate enough to say I had Both sets of Great Grand Parents and both Grandmas I remember. I learned different values from all of them. Memories that will last forever. Some good and some not. Laugh out loud. Greasy Granny, Betty Miller was a fun crazy grandma. Loving each and every grand child unconditionally. Going without so she could give to her grandkids when she could. Teaching us the values of rite and wrong, playing here organ, singing and always baking and cooking. Grandma Barb would have us over to stay the night. Tank us to church with her. Grandma was and still is a big part of my family life. My extended family. Now here are some more very special that I have been truly Blessed with in my life. All have took me in and have adopted me as one of their own. Again these people have stuck by me through the bad and good times. Always a phone call away day or night. Reached down and picked me up when I was sinking and almost at the bottom. I know in my heart that God himself placed these people in my life at just the rite time for many different reasons. We as extended family have not always agreed on everything but just as families do, we have gotten up, learned from our experiences and mistakes and life goes on. The past is just that, the past. Not to be rehashed. I have been so blessed and thankful to have such a vary large group of people that I consider and Love as my extended family. I love the all just as if we were blood related. To start to name the names of these people is not possible for me to do as I may miss someone by total mistake. I would never want to hurt anyone on their feelings so I wont begin. YOU know who you are and how special each and every one of you are to me. Included in my extended family I would add my church family. Not only those at The Laurelville Church of God, but at many of the other churches around that I have been blessed to be a part of. I have called upon many members both day and night to ask for a special favor, prayer request etc. and I know that my church families have always been there and are still here for me now. You see I may not be one of those that attend church building every service or as often as some may think. There have been and are many times I have had church via in church, in person outside of the building, the store or even at work. God puts people in certain places at certain times for certain reasons. I want to thank those of you that are in my family, friends, church family for all of the prayers, thought, support, encouraging words. There is a special card that Receive about each week in the mail letting me know that the “church family” is praying and caring. Sometimes a bulletin and added not enclosed, to that person that takes the time to think of others, your act of kindness and encouragement has helped me more than words could ever say. These have shown up on certain days when they were needed the most to keep me going and to you I want to say Thanks!! To my many friends out there that just may not realize just what they mean on a daily basis. Little signs of encouragement. A wave as you pass by, hello in the store, speak and say hello when you or I are walking down the street. Maybe you say hello on the internet or Sometimes just stop and talk for a few minuets. You are all Very special and important parts of my life as well. So many of us are just so busy we just don’t take the time or have the time to do all we would like. I am talking co-workers, store workers, everyday friends that are all encouraging people in my life. Some of which I could not even tell you their name but you know them when you see them and they are always friendly. You are all much appreciated and I just wanted to take time to let you know!! Just a smile or wave or a shout out as we pass these all bring a smile to someone else’s heart and soul that you may not even know. Thank You for being those everyday people, I call My Family and Friend!!! I Sincerely Appreciate and Love You All!!! Doug
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:27:51 +0000

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