Hello Fellow Home Business Entrepreneur. My name is Lonnie - TopicsExpress


Hello Fellow Home Business Entrepreneur. My name is Lonnie Averett, I live right out side of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I hope by the end of this message you truly understand my reason for reaching out to you. I hope you feel for the sincerity in my heart and how truly Greatful I am to share this information with you. This message is my way go giving back to the MLM / Network Marketing community. As my way of saying Thanks You, at the bottom of this message, you will find a FREE CD called Million Dollar Desire. This CD Million Dollar Desire will teach you to uncover the secret of unlocking Wealth, Success, Abundance, Prosperity and Happiness in your life Today! I know your time is valuable and I respect that. With that said I also know this message is long, however I promise it will not be a waist of your time and could have the information and solution you have been looking for that will give you a fair chance of success of making money from home. If you have been struggling and having a hard time trying to make money from home its not your fault. Over 97% of people trying to make money from home have been lied to and mislead. Over 76% of people who join a home business never make a $1.00 and quit within 90 day of joining. Over 90% of all home based businesses including MlM go out of business within 2 years. Since 1959 there have been around 120,000 home business open and only 13 companies have made it to a billion dollars in sales. I am 47 years old and have spent the past 27 years trying to stop the insanity. I have searched for a way that would work for the average person. Despite the advanced computer and technical age we live in. Network Marketing / MlM is about people helping people reach their goals and dreams. When we forget that basic foundation of why we do this business we start treating people like inconveniences instead of assets. Did you know as of today there are over 93 million people working from home and only 2% earning over ten thousand dollars per month. That means there are a lot of people hurting and looking for a solution. A lot of time, I believe peoples ego and pride get in their way when it comes to the MlM industry causing them to do things they normally would not do. One of those things is to lie, not only to them self but to prospects about how great they are doing in their business. (You know fake it until you make it) Just about every person I ask in a face book MlM group will tell you how great they are doing in their business, and how they have the best Products, best company and best pay plan. The truth is its more like the blind leading the blind. Lets look at the problems in the MlM / Network marketing industry and why we have a 97% failure rate... Then I going to share with you a simple solution. With our solution we have turned everything around and have a 97% success rate instead of failure. PROBLEMS (WHY PEOPLE FAIL) #1 Wrong company and pay plan as I mentioned early... 90% of companies fail within there first 2 years. Most pay plans benefit the company, even if a person quits. #2 Company leaders teaching people to build their business with techniques that have a proven track record of failure like, *making a list of friends and family *3 foot rule *Hotel meetings *Home meetings *cold calling leads *online marketing The truth is most people work 50 to 60 hours a week at a JOB. you still have to find time to grocery shop, mow the grass, do your laundry, cook, clean the house and cars and if you have kids pick them up from school or daycare. Take them to dance, baseball or whatever they are into. My point is the average family is crazy busy barely enough time in the day to do what they need to do. So when is there time to build a home business... and do the things I mentioned above. A lot of people have turned to online marketing, however very few people have the skills to master online marketing. The sad fact is there is no shortage of gurus out there who sell their courses on How to master online marketing makes me sick to see these low lifes praying on innocent hard working people. We all have a reason why we want to work from home. My why was my son Blake who was born with a very rare chromosome disease and as of today has had 19 surgeries and is wheelchair bound. Today Blake is 25 years old but on a 2 year old mentally, He is full of love and life just requires 24 hour care. To make matters worse his mom left after 10 years of marriage, so my need to work from home, be my own boss was a necessity. I share this with you to inspire you and to tell you no matter whats going on in your life or where you are, you can have success working from home and live your dream lifestyle. Today because of our system the one I am going to share with you in a moment (The Solution) I get to live all of my dreams... I get to do what I love for a living, drive my dream cars, live in my dream home, provide Blake with the best care he needs, travel the world first class, I have all the Time Money and Freedom to do what ever I chose to do everyday. No more Job, Boss, living pay check to pay check or headaches. No meetings, bothering friends and family, cold calling. The best news is I met the Love of my life Melissa and we get to share a life with no limits. I have built a personal website so you can see the lifestyle we live with photos of us our dream cars, vacations and so much more. SOLUTION (WHY WE SUCCEED) One of my greatest joys in life is watching people on my team finally have success. getting phone calls from my members excited to get their first commission check! #1 Our system does 95% of the work for our members and our members keep 100% of the checks... Paid weekly #2 Our system was created by 4 MlM Millionaires all earning in excess of 100 thousand dollars per month using this system they practice what the preach. #3 Secret to our success is we combine the best of both worlds offline and online marketing. #4 The company our system promotes has been in business for 16 years with a proven track record for success and the pay plan has created several millionaires. The company has a fair pay plan for beginners and seasoned marketers. The company offers products that people need and fall in love with. The company has a very low start up cost, but offers the opportunity for the average person to succeed, because of a patented unique pay plan where everyone helps each other. #5 When you join our team you get access to our PostCard Profit Pro Marketing System. Postcards are the key to our success! Anyone can mail a postcard. Each of our members is assigned an unique access code printed of the postcard. Next prospects will get your postcard in the mail and go the the website printed on the postcard enter your unique access code. Then they will be taken to your lead capture page. once they opt into your lead capture page they will watch a 3 step video series on our Company, Pay Plan and System. When the prospect decides to join they sign up at your website all tracked by your unique access code. As you can see all our members do is mail our powerful proven postcards and the systems does the rest. We provide each of our members with Free postcards and leads with your access code printed on the postcard. Plus you get your very own website system that does 95% of the work for you. #6 Eliminating all the of the things that causes people to fail is pure genius and allows ordinary people to live extraordinary lives. If you can mail a postcard you can have success and build a true residual unlimited income. They say success leaves clues, the more you look at us the more success you will see. They also say a closed mind is the most expensive thing in the world you can own. I only hope you are wise enough to take action and learn more about this amazing system, company, pay plan and meet the Dream team that put this postcard system together. As a member of my team you will have my personal cell phone # and email. you will also be given the personal cell phone #s of the 4 millionaires who created this system. My direct sponsor who is one of the millionaires used postcards to build a team of 500,000 members on his team. To get more information on our system and team reply to this message and ask for the website on the postcard and my access code. This way you can evaluate everything I just shared with you. Even if you decide not to become part of our team, here is your FREE gift, just for reading this message. milliondollardesire/freeaudio/ I know my system works, its simple and proven and we have a 97% retention rate... Thats because it works for the average person. As you go through our system you will find no hype just facts and details on how you can finally live the dream of residual income. Paid weekly on auto pilot, while your out enjoying life... As it should be. Again simply respond to this message and request the website and access code. Thanks for taking your valuable time to read this and I look forward to speaking to you in the near future. Lonnie Averett LonniesPrivateEmail@gmail PS: Please do not send me any business opportunity links... I will not look at them. I am not being ugly I just know whats out there for the most part and I very happy with my Postcard System... PPS: I consider myself a true rags to riches success story and live a dream lifestyle. I want you to know that my support does not come with an expiration date and I am here to help you anyway that I can.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:07:26 +0000

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