Hello Folks! Im Diana Victa - I currently serve on the - TopicsExpress


Hello Folks! Im Diana Victa - I currently serve on the Executive Board as a Member-At-Large for the California Council of Cultural Centers in Higher Education(CaCCCHE). CaCCCHE is a professional organization that strives to bring social justice educators in higher education together to: 1) network & support opportunities 2) resources; we consolidate and distribute information, data, models, and other materials relevant to higher education and particularly Student Affairs/Cultural Centers work and 3) education - serving as organization consultants to clarify and articulate issues of diversity in higher education. (For more information, please visit our website: caccche or add us on twitter @CaCCCHE) As a Member-at-Large, my main responsibilities include coordinating social media efforts and launching and developing our new peer-review blog, The PraXis. The PraXis was a result from a conversation that occurred during our Summer 2014 Annual CaCCCHE Retreat. Many of our retreat attendees felt the importance and need of continuing the conversations on Cultural Centers, social justice, multicultural education, identity, and working with students. The executive board thought creating a peer-review blog would be a great platform to continue and facilitate these discussions. We plan to officially launch The PraXis with its first blog post by the beginning of Spring Semester - between early or mid January. Our hope and intentions of this blog is to not only continue the conversations, but to contribute to the field of higher education, student affairs, and multicultural education by bringing in our knowledge, perspectives, and experiences as a community of social justice educators. With that said, we are currently in the process of building our team of writers for this blog! We are looking for at least 6-8 contributors. If you or you know anyone who may be interested, please feel free to forward this email to your respective colleagues/networks! Also, below is more information about the specifics about being a contributor. What were looking for: •Were looking for a wide range of writers: from undergraduates, graduate students, emerging, seasoned, and administrative professional! We value diverse perspectives. •Contributors are asked to write two blog posts(dates will be pre-assigned based on folks availability) per academic semester. •Each blog should be between 250-500 words. •You can write about anything! It could be a topic youre interested in, a paper you wrote for a class, an article you read, a program you attended, current trends in the news, a conversation you had with a student, etc! •Each blog will be peer reviewed by 3+ executive board members Why be a contributor/What are the benefits? •You create a name for yourself among your colleagues •Your name/picture/title/contact info goes on the site •Your posts broadcast to the public •You can use your author page to market yourself to future employers Interested? Please take this 5-10 minutes to fill out this interest form, deadline to submit an interest form is on Monday, October 6th. Questions? Please feel free to email me directly at dianavicta1986@gmail OR DM my facebook. https://docs.google/forms/d/174l3H7YlGlpGXo0o0p060P-WjK5cjnyxeoSIKtLvVg4/viewform
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:35:37 +0000

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