Hello Folks Now is the time to decide if we as a nation are going - TopicsExpress


Hello Folks Now is the time to decide if we as a nation are going to do the same failed thing or if we are going to follow an individual who holds the interests of the United States of paramount importance. If I am elected there are several things that I will do once I take the oath of office. 1. I will appoint a special prosecutor to have all Obamas records released to the general public. 2. Once it is determined that Barrack Obama is not eligible to be President of the United States I will immediately take several actions. First Barrack Hussein Obama will be arrested for running for the President of the United States while not being eligible to do so. Secondly, every single executive order, law, treaty and appointment will be nullified. 3. Every career politician responsible for allowing Obama to serve as President while ineligible will be arrested and charged for dereliction of duty for not protecting and defending the United States Constitution. 4. Every illegal alien granted amnesty, even id done several years earlier, will be deported at the expense of the nation from whence they came. If that nation refuses to pay, any foreign aid destined to that nation will be forfeit and any discrepancy will be paid by the offending nation. 5. Banking, auto and mortgage industry will be investigated and when found guilty of swindling the people of the United States will make full reparations to the people of the United States. 6. The borders of the United States will have a twenty foot high fence built and nobody will be allowed to sneak into the United States. 7. With an executive order I will end the federal reserve. 8. I will work with Congress to repeal the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. 9. With an executive order I will end the United Nations and scrape the building into the East River if I have to. All diplomats will have 24 hours to leave the United States. 10. There will be a free exercise of religion in this country. We have a freedom of religion not from religion. 11. No foreign religious law will be recognized in the United States. No law takes precedence over the Constitution of the United States. 12. Common Core Curriculum will be ended and simple reading , writing and math will be taught in K through 8. All complex social issues will wait until high school and college. 13. Businesses located overseas will have to abide by the minimum wage law, environmental laws and no slave labor if they expect to do business in the United States. A tariff will be imposed on those nations that will not allow our products into their country. Free and fair trade will only be allowed. 14. No more foreign entanglements unless the security and or interests of the United States are in jeopardy. This is just a start. If you want to read my entire campaign platform please go to dummett2016
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:54:50 +0000

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