Hello Friends! It has been a while since the last academic year - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends! It has been a while since the last academic year came to the end. The summer vacation has passed similarly quickly. And sooner than later we will come back to the school and our campus will once again get transformed in a lively and vibrant place. Everything will start anew. In the meantime a very important development has took place. In the last week of August the school held a meeting aimed at finding a contractor for opening the vegetarian buffet/restaurant on campus. It means that the voice of over 200 people who signed the petition has been heard. It also means that the NCCU Goes Green campaign has already yielded some concrete fruits. I strongly encourage you to sign the petition if you havent done so yet. Why it is important? Go ahead and read the comments (starting from the oldest) of some of the students who have signed it already. What is also important is to help the school realize that there is much more veggie-oriented students than just a dozen or so. If you yourself are not so much fond of eating vegetarian diet, then do it for your friends (including me :) ) and do it for the freshmen and for next generations of NCCU students. Thank you! ____ Chien-Hui I am a vegan. I really want a vegetarian buffet or restaurant. Joyce Please provide vegetarian friendly spaces and meals for NCCU students!! Retno Veggy buffet in NCCU is very important, not only for vegan/ vegetarian student but also for Muslim students in NCCU Duyen This is a very good idea 冠宇 政大有間素食餐廳會很棒!! Dmitrii I really appreciate what vegetarians do for our world, and fully support them. 20 % of Taiwanese are actually vegetarians, I think it is logical to organize a vegetarian buffet on the campus. Im eager to promote this idea more actively 羽婷 加油~ Shing Yi We, as vegetarians, need more choices in the campus! There are not enough vegetarian restaurants in the campus of NCCU or near NCCU.. Deti vegetarian meal fits my diet Pin Hung NCCU goes green! Ming Please offer vegetarian food on campus. Its a healthier choice for students and its the rights for vegan or vegetarian students on campus. Sky Go Vegan^_^ Vivian This is important for the prestige university like NCCU to be thoughtful enough to look after every students food choices - especially one that helps the animals, the environments and the earth. Thank you NCCU! 唐 Its great for both health & evironmant. Its also a good way to show our attention of green . Billy NCCU Goes Green - veggy buffet on the campus 欣怡 Its unfair to the students who are vegetarian, I deeply hope that there are some restaurant can serve with vegetable meal in school, thank you !! Nimatun I really wish that one day NCCU would open a vegetarian canteen. As I know, in our campus there is not a few student who are vegan or moslem. I think that would be great and helpfull for them to open the vegetaian canteen at school. Because they are also NCCU s family, right? Yuling Vegetarianism can help save the planet. 湘鈴 希望政大校園可以推廣吃蔬食,讓更多學生響應蔬食健康生活,由日常飲食開始救地球。 Matt Action speaks louder than words! Olga Vegetarian buffet is a great idea! yiju 希望是健康導向的素食餐廳 以蔬食為主 少油少鹽少加工食品的餐廳 蔡 希望有白稀飯! 千棻 I support the veggie buffet in NCCU melissa price should be acceptable at the meantime, 佩慈 愛地球、環保救地球,不應單單只是口號, 真正的愛是需要實踐的!!! 當人類還在傷害動物的一天,這世界就還會有戰爭、暴戾之氣! 生命的價值不該有所分別,我們不吃肉不會怎麼樣,反而可以更健康;但是我們吃肉,就有動物因為我們而失去生命, 你可以選擇以對地球傷害最少的方式,生,活! 劉 its a start to go green. make the environment of veggie diet better and more friendly. Ting-Yi To have a better life TingYin Support for more green meal &green life! Lets do good to our mother Earth. Lin I have been a vegan/vegetarian for over ten years, and I hope NCCU has a better vegetarian environment. 我吃素已經十年以上 了,來政大後真的覺得很不方便。雖然我即將畢業,還是希望政大可以設立素食自助餐聽,讓未來的學弟妹有機會選擇/或可以方便的在校內用餐。 YUNGYU Its needed to stay in a vegetarian environment. Li An I support to set up more restaurants of vegetarian food restaurants in NCCU! Leston I support this project! We need more vegan food. 亮賢 健康 環保 護生 救地球 明廷 great job Timothy One of our demand is that we need an additional choice to keep a friendly food style. Its a RIGHT while it is vulnerable especially around NCCU. wan-wen 許多優秀的大學為了滿足多樣化的飲食需求,校內本身必定設有純素食的餐廳,如北京大學的學一素食食堂、臺灣大學的一活...等。隨著節能減碳的趨勢,素食不再只是宗教因素,更重要的是能為地球奉獻一份心力,建請學校能往這個方向努力爭取,感謝! Ching-Kai 吃素愛地球 Joanne Im a vegetarian and I really hope that I could have more different choices of food. 詠頤 吃素好健康! Cai Yu 加油!希望身在清大的我們也能夠推動吃素XD Yu-Ting (Tina) Lets green up! For the environment, for the people you love, and for yourself! Yun-shiang Go vegetarian!! Belinda Undoubtedly supporting vegetarian! Yen-Ting Being a vegen is not a easy thing in NCCU. It is GREAT to hear this petition:) Ryan please enforce this policy soon Po-Chun I support this idea! Wen-chun 我現在也是半個吃素的! ku Lets get our life beautiful. Charlotte Go veg go green!!! Chih-Yi I am a vegan and I hope that I can have more choice in our school at mealtime. 錦鴻 支持對素食者的有善環境 Wen-Chueh Good petition, thanks! Madeline NCCU is the leading Social Sciences University in Taiwan and should definitely continue to lead by example. One way to do that is to make sure that their are alternative options on or near campus that support a more ethical, healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle. I hope NCCU will step up and encourage such changes! 研燁 support vegetarians in NCCU campus!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 05:31:44 +0000

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