Hello Friends. Thank you al so much for keeping in contct with - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends. Thank you al so much for keeping in contct with me. I apologize for not responding, but my eyesight gets worse every month and I am unable to ready posts and typing is a challenge also so please do not laught at my spelling, I am frustrated and sad. Emily will read posts to me when she had thet ime. She is so busy with school and work I barely see her. I am lonely. Just me and Jasper and Charlie. Visitors welcome. Thank you for your understanding------no pite allowed. Remember, I am still alive and kicking and annoying my doctors.. You get what you give out. Hhope to hear from any of yoou soon. If you need my phone nunmber, please let me know. By the way thank you thank you thank you for the birthday wishes. Happy Birthday to all who I missed. I had a nice birthday with Emily. We went to olive Garden for dinner and a movine later, wish I could remember witch one. Another lovely sythom of my brain tumor. Please support the cancer cure casuse. Theuy just came out with a drug to be used on eaarly tumors and are planning to expand on it. If you do e-mail me aand/or text me I will welcome the communication and will find a way to read or "hear" what it says. Love you all so very mch. Thank you for youur support. I am in very good hands mediical and people wise. Emily takes care of me when I am not driving HER crazy LOL. Love, Betsey bahurley1@hotmaiil
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:13:06 +0000

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