Hello Friends and Happy New Year. I hope the end of 2014 was just - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends and Happy New Year. I hope the end of 2014 was just how you pictured it. I am going to be FLAT OUT honest with you guys. The end of my year... SUCKED. I am going to through a little pitty party here so get ready. It was my first holiday season working RETAIL. Lets just say I am not a fan. Early hours and late hours working at the mall. I had a grand total of 1 day off the whole month of December with Ray. It is crazy how GRUMPY a girl can get.. when she doesnt have that one on one time with her husband. I would almost say I went through a little bit of a depression this holiday season as well. I missed my family and havent had to work crazy hours like that before. I ended up getting a horrible cold as well...expected because I was feeling run down. I lost all motivation in working out and eating healthy and working on things I am passionate about. I am lucky to have a man like Ray in my life to care enough to notice my changes in behavior and call me out and make me talk to him (I tend to clam up and hide in my turtle shell). I knew I was unhappy but didnt realize how much my actions effect him. The whole reason why I am sharing this with you, is because it is normal to have ups and downs in life. It is NORMAL to get in funks. I dont want you all to think that we are only suppose to always be happy. In our times of downs we are LEARNING things. I feel like I learned a few things during my December Depression. 1- I am in control of my life. If I dont want to work a job I dont like that is MY CHOICE 2-I have so much opportunity in life and I am the only one holding myself back. 3-I am truly passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves. I have spent my whole life hating the way I looked and being so up and down with my weight. I dont want other people to have self hatred like that. God made us to be just like we are... why hate on his creation? I did make it home the end of December and that was just what I needed was a little family love. We were so blessed that we got to see so many people. Here is to a Successful 2015. This is OUR YEAR! Cheers!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:19:28 +0000

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