Hello Friends i Lives in Delhi. This “Footsteps at the - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends i Lives in Delhi. This “Footsteps at the backdoor “happened last year when I was preparing for entrance exams for some of best engineering colleges in India. School & tuition’s consumed a lot of daytime so I had no other option than to study late at night. That day started in the usual way,school then tuition’s.I returned home from tuition at 7:30 p.m. I was exhausted.I took some rest, had my dinner & opened my books at 9:30 p.m. My parents & brother went to bed in the adjacent room at around 10:30 I think.It was a chilly December night so with soft,warm quilts & blankets on their body,they quickly fell to sleep. Here I had finished covering 2-3 topics & decided to go further. There are many parks in my colony near my house.They are full of trees,plants,bushes.On the backside of my home, there is a narrow street.If you want to enter it,first you have to go through a metal gate which is closed by our block’s watchman sharp at 9:30 for security reasons.Guards then patrol our block for whole night. Here I realized that I was not able to put more efforts. I looked at the clock & it showed 12:30. I decided to call it a day & closed my books. I was feeling quite thirsty so I opened the fridge which is near to the back door of my home. I took one chilled bottle out.As soon as I opened the cap of the bottle, a breeze started flowing & I could hear the sound of dry leaves falling in the street behind my home. Suddenly I heard the sound of crushing of those dry leaves by human foot like someone is walking on them.I assumed him to be the watchman & continued to quench my thirst.Suddenly a thought struck my mind.If watchman has to enter the street,he has to open that metal gate & we could clearly hear the opening/closing of that gate.But I didn’t hear it! I was lost in all this then suddenly the footsteps became louder & closer. I put the bottle back in fridge & tried to listen carefully.At this time,footsteps were loudest & then suddenly stopped exactly at my backdoor. The breeze stopped flowing & everything was dead silent.I don’t know why I did this but I went closer to that door & stood 3-4 steps from it as i was a little scared too.It was so dark that I was unable to see anything outside.I waited but no one knocked.To my horror, suddenly a strange human figure like a shadow passed through the door & came towards me at a blazing speed! When it was like one step away from me,it suddenly vanished! All this happened so fast that I couldn’t even scream.All I did was turn back & place my hands over my head like in a defensive way. Now everything was normal. No breeze, no footsteps.I was so freaked out that I rushed to my room,covered my whole body with blanket & slept with lights on.I didn’t even tell my parents about this because I know they will just say “it’s your mind only” and all that.Moreover I am normal just like before,no change.I still study late at night but it never happened again but whenever I think about that night, I still get goosebumps. Thanks for reading it & sorry for any confusion/grammatical mistakes as i am a bad narrator but all this is real.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:50:01 +0000

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