Hello Friends, most of you know me by now and if thats the case - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends, most of you know me by now and if thats the case you should know that I always stand for what is true and cant stand people who lie. I just found out that all the effort that my girl Tina Criam did for weeks in order to made a video using the PoP Star costume came down to nothing. I was with Tina, Carla Bestford and Angi Shinedown Doe today as met just to have some fun before Juna Maria Cartagena Birthday party. There I met a girl by the name Jus Lamour she had a different costume, she had the Medusa. Tina, our Dont Hate offer her a Pop Star costume in case she wanted to change and to this offer she said no that she was okay. for a minute i was confuse and though there was a change but it wasnt she just say no to the offer Tina gave her. Later on the party where we were going to do the video this girl started complaining and putting sad faces about not having the Poo Star Costume, something that is very childish on her part specially after she was offer the other costume. Needless to say that this ruin the video that Blonde was going to make for the party, this was not just any video. This video was going to be special, so special that even tina PAID 1 MILLION coins to make it happen. After all of this the Lady Blonde inform Tina that the video was a NO GO because of all the complain and sad faces of that ungrateful girl because that Medusa Costume was also bought by Tina. In my opinion if Blonde was doing the video she should have ask Jus Lamour to stop doing the complaining or to leave the party since the one paying for everything was Tina but this was not done. After all of this the girl didnt even want to return the costume to Tina, just to show more of the kind of person she is. I want to inform this because our Hood Dont Hate is very hurt by all of this. She is a great friend that would give anything to any of the friends that are in need of any item. On behalf of myself and all the good friends of this page i want to tell Hood that we are sorry she had to go through all of this when she all wanted for us to have fun and have something to remember. I also want to let everyone know that the Lady who was going to do the video return all the 1 Million coins back to Tina and that was the right and the nice thing to do. Maybe we can do something later on but this time we have to check who is invited to participate. Thank you!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:18:14 +0000

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