Hello Friends,we hope that you have woken with happy hearts... - TopicsExpress


Hello Friends,we hope that you have woken with happy hearts... today we would ask that you look to the simple things in life, for they are such wonderful gifts...what a gift that you have woken with breath in your body, that you can see what the weather is doing from your window and that you have a home to wake in. The wonderful taste of your first sip of tea or drink of the day, how pleasurable the feeling as it slips down your throat and quenches your thirst, the first smile that you both give and receive...the true joy of living can be found in these simple things...such release can be found when we shed tears of sadness, or when we laugh until our sides hurt...what a joy to be able to laugh, how humbling the loyalty of our pets, love that is given so freely and unconditionally. Look upon this world with the eyes of child, so many wonders to behold...every leaf, every blade of grass, each insect, every flower all individual expressions of that which is Love, as are you. Remember what it felt like to play outside, to just dig in the sand pit and find such joy in the moment, to be able to play with friends, to watch a spider as it wove its web, so, so very patiently...moments of sheer pleasure. We have so much to learn from children for they know what it is to live in the moment, grudges are not borne for long, a fall out resolved quickly, an ease to making new friends...listen to them, they will teach you much of the gift of life, much of living in the Now. Life is a wonderful opportunity to experience emotion and the gift of free will, take this gift and run with it, really run with it, dance, sing, create, do the things that make your heart sing,walk barefoot in the grass, ask yourself what it is that you wish to do and do it. Remain mindful of your intentions but really live this beautiful life.Know who you are for you are Love and connected to all that is at all times and you are and always will be deeply loved.have a wonderful day today whatever you choose to do with it Much Love xx
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:05:10 +0000

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