Hello Global Friends and I thought I would Pass this to You all.Do - TopicsExpress


Hello Global Friends and I thought I would Pass this to You all.Do You Know that,our Country,Kenya ,and being in East Africa, is between Ethiopia and Tanzania,and does also borders the Indian Ocean as well,and forms too part of the other East African Community Countries mainly being Uganda,Rwanda,Burundi,Somali,and also Tanzania and Ethiopia etc? Yes,you can say for sure that Country is slightly more than twice the size of Nevada, in USA, though the Kenya’s population is Approximately 41 million people. You can too notice that Kenya’s terrain is dominated by plains that rise to central highlands, bisected by the Great Rift Valley. The highlands comprise one of the most successful agricultural production regions in all of Africa. Fertile plateaus lie in the western part of the country. Kenya’s climate ranges from arid in the interior to tropical along the coast. The country has many natural resources, including limestone, soda ash, salt, gemstones, fluorspar, diatomite, gypsum, zinc, hydropower, and magnificent wildlife. Kenya’s people come from a variety of ethnic groups. Kikuyu make up 22 percent of the population while Luhya, Luo, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii, Meru, and other people groups make up the remainder. The majority of Kenyans are Christian. Forty-five percent are Protestant and 33 percent are Roman Catholic. Muslims and adherents of indigenous beliefs and other faiths make up the rest of the population. The languages spoken in Kenya include English, Kiswahili, and numerous indigenous languages. Like many African nations, Kenya has a long and proud history. Kenya’s modern history begins with its political independence from Britain in 1963. Liberation icon Jomo Kenyatta was the main figure to lead the country to autonomy, serving as president from 1963 to 1978. From 1969 to 1982 the country was essentially a one-party state as the ruling Kenya African National Union (KANU) made itself the sole legal party. Political reforms in 1991 allowed for opposition groups to run against KANU, but they failed to remove the ruling party from power. In 2002 an opposition candidate captured the presidency from KANU. In December 2007 a contested presidential election led to two months of widespread violence resulting in the deaths of 1,500 people. The United Nations sponsored talks that produced a power-sharing accord between the two major parties. In the summer of 2010 Kenyans successfully voted on and approved a new constitution, an accomplishment some described as the most important political development in the country since independence. However,You may be surprised to Know that Kenya is quite poor. Indeed, fifty percent of the population lives below the poverty line and 40 percent of the labor force is unemployed. Although Kenya is seen as a central figure for trade and finance within the region, the country has its challenges, economic and Otherwise.not forgetting the great challenges of life facing so many Orphaned and Vulnerable Children ,who are in Most cases,affected by either HIV/AIDS Pandemic,or Poverty, Political War,Tribal Clashes etc etc. Kenya hence needs a great Help and Intervention Strategies so for it to be on a Right Cause and we gonna all hence Unite both with our Local and Global Partners to make an Impact .Consequently ,anyone is welcomed and Invited to Join us Touch this Lives of our Poor Children and help them forego their Dreams in getting ,Food,Education,Medical Care and Shelter—Praise God! Kindly hence please if You can thus Consider Joining us ,or Giving to this Project or helping us Fund--raise for the Project Programs/Activities that we wish to Implement here, after a tome,or You just desire to be a Monthly Sponsor, o One time Sponsor, to any Orphan of Your Choice, or to the Project Programs etc ,in our Above Mentioned Project , and as led by Our International Coordinator—Brother Chase Buchanan ,from Tampa Florida, U.S.A, and who is My Friends list on here too ( Please check on My Friends List as such on here) and so we may and can all then move step by step, forward in achieving our Goals ? —Halleluiah.Please,if you can quickly get in contact or in touch, with Him--Brother Chase , or Us and we shall write back to you as , we get this Project launched and grounded thus here, for Gods glory and only aimed at Restoring the Lost Hope and Smile among this Kids of our Community? For more of what we are out thus to do and achieve about this Project for the Orphaned Kids,-- hence Read our More Detailed Information on Our Profile on here but meanwhile a we Build our Project Website and which we shall pass to all of You here too—Amen. Otherwise;-Thanks and God Bless all of You so much as You consider hearing from God on this and as You make a Decision and Choice on this too.Shalom.Sincerely Yours Brother in Christ,.Pastor Noah S.Mapesa, in Kenya.( Project Founder and Director in Kenya ).
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:58:24 +0000

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