Hello Hello, Chapter Kazillion in this little trip of ours. I - TopicsExpress


Hello Hello, Chapter Kazillion in this little trip of ours. I call it ours because I now feel and most welcome obligation to let yall know wassup. So here it is, so so promise to keep it short. As mentioned last time that my stump was giving me some seriously painful episodes. Those episodes are less painful, but still remind my with any sudden movement, that hey girlfriend take it easy. So to that end I am putting it off to strain and it may be the end of next week, before Peg and I can spend any significant time together. And definitely necessary to warm up before Peg and I step out together. On the vascular side of things. I attend and appointment with Dr. Casey, who wasted not time getting me on the ABI measurement tool. Wait you are saying, what is an ABI, so here is the definition straight from the Mayo Clinic The Ankle-Brachial Index test is a quick, noninvasive way to check your risk of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Peripheral artery disease is a condition in which the arteries in your legs or arms are narrowed or blocked. Well Caseys version of this is to take measurements every 6 inches or so. and then take the pulse in every, yes every toe. Suffice it to say it was an extremely thorough ABI. Johnnie was fascinated as he looked on. So when I first entered rehab, my measurement by the same machine was 8.7 out of ten, which is acceptable. Since then my number is now at 8.0 in my left leg. There is also evidence that I have a blockage high up in my right groin. To followup I have to attend the Diagnostic Imaging Clinic for a Dye/CT scan, so that Casey can read the results and plan the route for an Angioplasty, I know what the heck is angioplasty---back to Mayo Clinic, Angioplasty is commonly performed through an artery in your groin (femoral artery). Less commonly, it may be done using an artery in your arm or wrist area. A small balloon at the end of the catheter is inflated, widening the blocked artery. After the artery is stretched, the balloon is deflated and removed. Your doctor might inflate and deflate the balloon several times before its removed, stretching the artery a bit more each time. So that should be the end of any and all invasive procedures for quite some time. To the pain in my stump, I wait, and repeat to myself the virtues of being patient. Oh I dont have patience with me. Emotionally I am in better shape than I have been for a very long, long time. My beautiful Peg stands in the corner of my room, from and engineering standpoint she is a beauty. How many folks can say the can do a 360 with their knee joint. This to has purpose and that is to relieve pressure on the bum bone while sitting down. Okay enough technical stuff for now. In the mean time I am looking forward to getting back with my Hotel Peeps, workmates and guests on Monday. Thank you each and everyone for cheering me on and also give me a reason to be vigilant with my progress and more than that, keeping my spirits ups. To those who have used the word inspirational, I will only accept that tag to a small degree, cuz God know yall were the inspiration from me to keep going, when all I wanted to do was settled down on my pity pot and cry and do the woe is me thing. Take Care folks and love and hugs out there in the universe on the way to yall.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:49:46 +0000

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