Hello I am Ali, I would like to tell you about my life and ask - TopicsExpress


Hello I am Ali, I would like to tell you about my life and ask for some help. Sorry Im getting ahead of myself, so I will start at the beginning or as far back as I can remember anyway. I was a hard working dog, a big dog, a good loyal dog, but in the end I had wasted most my life ! You see I was a shepherd, I protected my flock and would put myself in danger to do this, I guess at the time I did not understand that what I was fed was not really healthy for me and because I was hungry I would eat whatever I could find, good or bad ! I worked in all weather and over time my back legs became so painful and didnt look the way they should, eventually I was not able to do my job and instead of a happy retirement I was abandoned ! For a while I just wandered the streets in pain, hungry and scared. Eventually I was rescued by an angel, she took me in, fed me and helped me to understand I was loved. Unfortunately it was not possible for me to stay with her for ever so she arranged for me to find a home in the UK . The journey was long but eventually I arrived in the UK. What nobody knew was, inside I was suffering from a problem in my heart, it had been broken for real. After arriving in the UK I went to stay at my foster home but after a while my foster mum could see something was not right, I was moved to a new foster home, near to a vets that could help and where I could be monitored all the time. After some more tests it was decided I needed and ECG and X-rays to see if they could find out exactly what was wrong with my heart ! I spent the day at my vets and to be truthful I was really scared, although I did get lots of attention and strokes. When the results were ready my new foster family came in to hear what was wrong. Now I am not going to pretend I understood it all but then the vet started to speak a language that wasnt English or Romanian and from the look on my fosterers face they didnt understand it very well either. Later in the car I heard them say he was speaking veterinarian, anyway the news wasnt great, I could see that in their eyes. This is what the vet said was wrong with me Im sorry it is in veterinarian but Im told something called goggle might be able to translate it. Ali has been diagnosed as having atrial fibrillation, this means his heart is beating irregularly, so is running fast at 162 BPM. The medical explanation is a quivering type of contraction of the heart muscle resulting in a rapid and abnormal pace heart rhythms He also has a slightly enlarged heart, the deformities in his back legs are most probably caused by poor nutrition. Now I havent been in the the country very long but the time I have had made me see that life was finally turning into something good, in the car on the way home I remember thinking this is so unfair Ive just learned what love and happiness is and now it looks like Im not going to enjoy it for very long! Now I thought, this is it, no hope, no future, no time. I guessed that now everyone would give up on me and dump me somewhere to die ! Well how wrong could I be, after getting of the phone I heard my fosterers saying that for now I would have tablets everyday and lots and lots of love, plus the rescue would not give up on me while there was hope. So now this is what is happening, I have to have another test called a cardiac ultrasound to see how badly my heart is damaged. The vet thinks it maybe treatable with medication and I could live out the rest of my life with my foster family, I will be able to go out with them on long walks and go on holiday, I dont really understand what that is but it sounds like fun and I wont have to worry if today is my last ! Now this is the bit I need your help with, the tests are very expensive and the medication is going to cost up to £100 a month. So Safe Rescue are starting an appeal to raise money to help me and other dogs with medical problems that could live happily with your help. If you would like to donate to help me and others have a new life then our PayPal is [email protected] Please use Ali as the reference and thank you. I will keep you all updated on how I am getting on.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 16:39:11 +0000

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