Hello, I am Jessica Cammarata, a proud employee of a wonderful - TopicsExpress


Hello, I am Jessica Cammarata, a proud employee of a wonderful daycare that for over 15 years has had nothing but compliments on staff and continues to use a very strict discipline policy stating that teachers/assistants/aids are not declared any right to hurt the children or to stray away from the gentle disciplinary actions we take. There have been awful rumors that a daycare in Barnegat is allowing abuse and this is an absolutely outrageous accusation by a woman who does not live in the area, has no children in the preschool, and has nothing but hearsay as her proof. She is making parents worry over nothing but lies and is starting a Crucible effect among many amazing daycare employees who are loosing their loved jobs. I am not a parent so no, I will never understand the worry and fear all you parents have felt after seeing that post but please keep in mind that it is very easy to use that fear against you, which is exactly what this woman is doing. The staff that I work with, besides two employees, are all parents. They understand your worries and outrage and are sickened that this rumor has been announced without any true evidence. Know that every employee is being watched carefully. We have no desire to hurt your children, what horrible person would? This is a sick rumor and Im sorry to all of the parents who have been worrying but please know that it takes an extreme amount of looking into backgrounds to hire at day cares and we have only the safest and most kind employees. With all of this said, have a great day and please know that this rumor has been taken much farther than Facebook and many actions will taken after the ones that are in motion. Also know that this woman was genuinely trying to help but spoke with misguided information which happens to the best of us, especially in regards of children safety us women will jump to conclusions. Its in our wiring. Have a great day everyone and know that your children are in very safe environments. We are here for you and, more importantly, your child. Have a great day mommies and daddies!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:33:37 +0000

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