Hello! I am a producer with RAW TV (raw.co.uk) based in the UK. - TopicsExpress


Hello! I am a producer with RAW TV (raw.co.uk) based in the UK. My colleague contacted you last year for Season 3 of Syfy’s Paranormal Witness and we produced some amazing stories. I hope you are enjoying the current season airing Wednesday nights on Syfy. Right now we are developing new ideas for a possible Season 4! I thought I would get back in touch with you to see if you could recommend any good paranormal stories or cases that you have investigated for our new series? We really appreciate the help of people who work in the paranormal industry as you are the experts on the subject. Just in case you haven’t seen it, Paranormal Witness is a cinematic, high-octane drama-documentary series about ordinary people who experience extraordinary encounters with the supernatural. The story is told from the perspective of multiple eyewitnesses without any outside judgment or commentary and the reconstruction is done with the production standards of a movie. For more information you can look at the website here: syfy/paranormalwitness/ We always like to hear about scary haunted houses but for series 4 we are also targeting stories that are a bit different such as roadside hauntings, poltergeist activity, possessions, unexplained mysteries, stories of cryptozoology, haunted objects (dolls, paintings etc), hauntings in locations that are a bit different - such as asylums or schools/colleges but they must still be in use in some way or converted into something else. Maybe there’s an incredible history attached to the haunted location. Anything that’s a bit different! Essentially our show is not an investigation show, each episode starts with a regular person or group of people who are shocked when they begin experiencing paranormal activity. In a nutshell, I am looking for stories that can tick as many of these bullet points below as possible; it’s these kinds of stories that make really good, exciting television. I am trying to find stories that include: 1) Characters – all good stories are about people and what they have experienced. We like to look out for stories about ‘families’ this family can be a real one (mum, dad, kids etc.) or a group of people such as a police HQ, a group of college students, a group of co-workers, somewhere where the people can share a common experience. 2) The location – we look for stories that are based somewhere, be it a new house that a family have moved into, some woods somewhere, a building, maybe even a town or village. 3) A build up – we love stories that develop and escalate, they start with some flickering lights and someone seeing something out of the corner of their eye and build up to pictures flying off the wall, apparitions in the hallway, poltergeist activity etc. 4) Multiple witnesses – it’s great when numerous people experience these things (even at different times), that way they can all corroborate the story. 5) The scares – Essentially Paranormal Witness is a scary show, we want our contributors to have been genuinely scared of what they experienced, the scarier the better! Also the more paranormal experiences our contributors have the better. 6) Historical resolution – If there is a history related to the hauntings even better - recent or old! 7) Evidence – We always love stories that end up with some great evidence – EVP’s, photographs, video footage etc. Perhaps the family can’t take it anymore and call the experts in to find out what is going on. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact if you think you could help. I can be reached at [email protected] my UK telephone number is 0044 207 456 0800, as this is an international number I can return your call straight away to save your phone bill. Equally you can email me your number and time zone and suggest a good time to call. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your help! Kind Regards, Cimran Cimran Shah Assistant Producer Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:0C778B85-D00E-4BBA-ABB4-CB0BBF12B792@hewettst Third Floor, 13 – 21 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3LT Tel: + 44 (0) 207 456 0800 | Fax: + 44 (0) 207 456 0801| raw.co.uk UK Company Reg. 4305751 VAT: 788 4624 73
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 03:11:44 +0000

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