Hello.... I have been nominated by two of my cousins, Erin and - TopicsExpress


Hello.... I have been nominated by two of my cousins, Erin and Sandra to do this challenge. For five days I must write three things a day for what I am most grateful for. I am happy to do this challenge but I must do it slightly differently!!!! I am going to list all fifteen things on one day and get er done!!!! haha I am leaving tomorrow to go south with my hubby for some medical testing and I wont be able to do the challenge properly. I would like to start by saying I have had a wonderful life for the first 59 years and feel so very blessed in so very many ways!!! Of course there has been some heartache and troubles and worries along the way but so far most things have turned out fairly well. 1. I have come from a strong and loving Norwegian family on both my mothers and fathers side. My grandparents were loving and hard working pioneers from another country who forged ahead and made homes and lives on the Saskatchewan praire In the years when times and economy were probally at the lowest point in Canadas history. I am so grateful for my grandparents , because of them I have my parents!!!! 2 .Also because of my grandparents I have had a loving and close relationships with many aunts, uncles and cousins!!! I grew up being surrounded by many relatives and have always had holidays where we would drive for days to go and be with them an it was a tradition that I carried on with my own children!!! Love of family is very important to me!!! I am so grateful for ALL my relatives !!!! 3.Mom and Dad.....where would I be without them!!!! Although we didnt always agree on things I always knew that I was loved unconditionally!!! I was raised in a fairly strict and loving home. Dad always worked hard at his job as a farmer and later as a mill worker and as a homeowner and never hardly missed a day because of his strong work ethic !!! Mom always kept us and our home clean, and there was always food on the table. My parents taught me well about all aspects of life. Love them dearly and miss my dad who died in 1984. I am very grateful for my parents!!! 4. I am so grateful for friendship !!!! I have had the same best friend since I was 15 years old !!!! I have a circle of friends that have been my friends since I was young !!! I still talk and visit with friends that I have known since pre-school days!!! I dont have piles of friends but the ones that I have I know that I can count on for anything!!! We have been through dating years, marriages, babies and all the ups and downs of life!!! Afew friends have moved away but when we get together it is just like we have never been apart!!! There is always such a comfort in having good friends!!! I am so grateful for friendship!!!! 5. I am so grateful for my mother and father-in-law!!! They were loving and giving to their children and grandchildren!!! I loved them like my own parents. My in-laws had a very open door policy at their house and there was always something ready to eat and drink !!! They raised a large family, half the children were born in Italy and the last four here . Times were tough with 8 children but they all worked hard and thrived. I am so grateful for them and always felt so welcome in their lives and home. 6. I am so grateful for my brother-laws and sister-in-laws because we are all so close. We might all be family but we are FRIENDS first....and that is very special!! 7.Nieces and nephews..... I have piles of them!!!! Each one is special and unique in their own ways!!! It has been such a fun journey watching them all grow and turn into their own person!! They have done well and love being together with each other !!! They have all chosen to be friends as well as family also!!! I am grateful for each and everyone of them!!!! 8. I am so grateful that I have always had a house and it wasnt just a house it is a HOME.....family and friends are always welcome and wanted. 9. I am grateful for having had pretty good health my whole life. Always been overweight but HAPPY!!!! 10. I am grateful for all the loving dogs that I have had over my life !!! I have loved them all so much and enjoyed their friendship and loyalty !! Even if the rest of the world was mad at me....my dogs always loved me!!! If humans could learn the unconditional love of an animal we would sure live in a better world!! 11. Joseph Renzo Paolinelli..............the LOVE of my life !!!!! I am so grateful for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We met so young and yet here we are 45 years later and I love you even more today than then !!!! You have always made me feel loved and wanted !!!! You have always treated me with so much love and respect !!! You have always been my knight in shining armour and my protector !!! We have survived all the things that life has thrown our way and made it!!!! I will love you forever and ever after!!! You are my hero and such a wonderful example to the three sons that you gave me!!! I will forever be grateful for you and your love !!!!!!! 12. Nathan Mario....Tyler Joel....Jared Todd................... my SONS!!!!! I have loved and adored you since the moment of your conception!!!! All I ever wanted to be was a mother!!! I have tried my hardest to be the best mom and example to you boys !!! I have to tell you how proud I am of all three of you and the men that you have become!!! There were times when I wasnt sure I would survive your antics but I did !!!! You have certainly challenged your dad and I at times but you have always had kind and loving hearts. Now two of you are fathers and children of your own.... I am so grateful for the three of you !!!!!! 13. My grandbabies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all and I am so grateful for you!!!! You are what makes getting older all worthwhile!!!!! I love being with you !!! There is nothing better than spending time with you....I was so organized when I was a mom and since I became a grandma nothing else matters when we are together!!! The cleaning and laundry will wait , it is more important having fun with you!!! You make me smile and giggle whenever I think about your cute faces and some of the things that you do!!! You are so important to me and I love you endlessly!!!!!!! 14.I am grateful for the simple things in life......warm breezes in the evenings.....watching hummingbirds on the blossoms....fishing boats bouncing in the waves...laying on a picnic table and watching the clouds and trying to find faces....walking on the farm and watching the grasshoppers jumping all around....a cup of hot coffee....a good movie.... hot water in the shower....cold water for a drink....living in a peaceful country....sitting under the tree on the farm.....people watching....enjoying a clean house.....laundry fresh off the line....clean sheets.... the list is ENDLESS !!!! 15. GOD....... I am very grateful that I have you in my life. All the blessings that I have and are grateful for, I credit to YOU. Without you there would be nothing. I will strive to be the best person, daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, friend ,aunt that I can be!!! So..... I guess I may have over written slightly....but.... I feel that I have so much to be grateful for and I am blessed in so many ways !!!!! Challenge complete....except for......I nominate Linda Hardy, Karen Antonsen and Debbie Topping to do the challenge!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 23:15:46 +0000

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