Hello, I hope to see everyone tonight at 6:30 at the - TopicsExpress


Hello, I hope to see everyone tonight at 6:30 at the Charlottesville City Council Meeting as we follow through with our action plan for change. We will be peaceful, however we will show that we are unified, and we want to see a change in our communities. It is time for our voices to be heard. Please see the YouTube video at the end of this message as we proved to the entire area what Unity Looks Like. These requests were created by members of this community who are ready to see a change in our area. We would like to work with local law enforcement agencies to help repair the strained relationships that are currently in place. In order for this to happen locally, we must all work together. We are looking for cooperation from the Charlottesville City Council and the Albemarle Board of Supervisors on the following: 1. Ban racial profiling by creating and mandating local ordinances that speak specifically to the data found in the Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System report. It is not enough for a $25,000 training session in the city. We would like to have a continuous dialogue between law enforcement officials and community members, in addition to Community Policing. In order for this to occur in the city, the CHRA Board and City Council MUST work together to appropriate the proper funds to bring back officers into our communities. With the reintegration of officers into our communities, we are asking that officers, as prerequisite, have a history of demonstrating an ability to create and maintain healthy relationships. 2. Track all inappropriate contact with Law Enforcement and Minority citizens (Utilize the DMC Data). The Citizens Advisory Panel needs to be reviewed (and created in the County), and invite new members of the community to participate. This governing body must work hand in hand with our local law enforcement agencies (both city and county). All inappropriate contact and complaints need to be reviewed monthly by a board of citizens that consists of members of the community (CAP). 3. Council and the Board of Supervisors need to allocate the funds for body cameras for ALL law enforcement officials. Along with allocating funds for the cameras, guidelines need to be created to address the concerns of officers turning off their body cameras, and not following proper protocols and procedures. In order for the cameras to be effective, they must operate in a certain way. Police body cameras should have the following features: -Always on. The camera will record for the duration of the officers shift with no option to disable it. It should not be under the control of the officer to guarantee a record that cannot be challenged by either side. -Automatically upload. This enables the data to be used instantly by the police department and/or agencies with whom the police department is collaborating. It also reduces the ability of a corrupt police officer or supervisor to lose the camera and/or the data that it recorded. -Multiple secure databases. One database would be immediately accessible to the police department. However, the others would not. This ensures there will be a permanent, encrypted record of the activity recorded by the camera, and at least one backup. We must work to rebuild the trust in our communities between our law enforcement agencies and the citizens of this great area. Let’s work together to make this come to fruition. I hope to see everyone Tonight at 6:45 PM at City Hall for the City Council meeting. We will announce the date in which we will participate in the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting at this time. Remember, we will always be peaceful, civil, work in unison, and not view anyone as our enemy. In order for change to be created, we must work together as a community. The time for change is now, and in order for this change to come about, we must work together. We can do this. Lets work together to being the change we wish to see! Here is the Video from last Mondays March: https://youtube/watch?v=t-D-FH5-rns&feature=youtu.be Respectfully, Wes Bellamy YBPN President
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:50:24 +0000

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