Hello, Id like to convey My gratitude and humble apollogies for - TopicsExpress


Hello, Id like to convey My gratitude and humble apollogies for Italy to be subjected to the tipes of invasions of Lives and privacy. And to thank all of Italy for Your part in the research helping to show the affects of such methods and the genetic characteristics of transposable elements and the damage to genetic lines and interruptions to Homeostasis are being caused. In My part to the global flow of information, I cpntinue My imperical observations and Pointing out of facts and foregone conclussions as well as new ones being fleshed out by the aw data being, put into and obviously being done by the research communities World wide. So again I, thank You All Joshua Abraham Williamson a lot of the same behavior and a lot of this contrived sub cultute, & progrsmming/excuse making to hide it easily explain such things there ptevalence and utilization. The constant radiation being made ubiquitous about Us all. Is a tremendously huge treasonous, invasion of privacy And a constant surviellence system being utilized. With all the cameras / detectors being made equally ubiquitous or all about Us constantly Utilizing medical imaging software toonitor every bodily movement and functions 24/7 With speach recognition software tied in to translate the muscle movements anywhere along the throat / neck, back of the mouth, Even just the tongue; whether the full movement of it, or just part as the back, tip, & the center of it. I have as has been being pointed out, imperically studying this, While being in the midst of it literally for, 19 months and 6 days While observing it all along the periphery for what will be 11 years, this December 10th. Have even been to college while here With some of the best and top of their fields on the entire planet, for instructors For biotechnology, & even gender identity issues in psychology, rounding it out with general anthropollogy touching bases the entirety of it. As I had observed such a thing as an issue, tied to a lot of confusion, throughput all of this perverse, exploitive, slave training program Being utilized in this Ill concieved sub culture, political engineering contrivence. To enslave all the People of the u.s.a. thusly, and continue spreading it ubiquitously everywhere else. So this constant EMF radiation exposure, surviellence even at the constant monitoring of every sub vocalization. Being utilized harmfully, with all these treasonously, terrorist / C.I.A., F.B.I., N.S.A., & D.O.D. tactics. Coupled with the constant body/brain scanning and speach recognition software Constantly attempting toassociate each word or thought of that word With a particular point in the brain. For a true thought police, So just so long as We are all up to speed, on the whys These things are being done beyond the constant ongoing Human endurance trials Being done and thought hidden behind this political engineering contrivence/fraud being treasonously and most exploitively carried out through this terrorism. And being allowed and enjoyed by so many, while mostly a relatively few. Those in these buildings, underground facilities, medical community And physically carrying out the commission of these crimes on the streets, And in these SROs and housing programs through HUD/housing authority, swords to plowshares, non-profit charities, receiving government grants Such as episcapol community services does a block grant annually to end the cycle of homelesness. While truly causing it to be worse. So perhaps mow We can move on, grow up and accept the responsabilities of Our own acts and actions And lack, thereof! Put these fools physically most tesponsable for these brutal tortures To supposedly hide this political engineering contrivence, program of enslavement. And those most enjoying the destruction of Life and Peoples Lives and very essence of Liberty! To continue to murder through the exploitation and the nature of the damage such activities cause.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:17:26 +0000

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