Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is - TopicsExpress


Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home? This Song has been running through my head, the last couple days, as I have been writing my Book. Very few seem to be interested, in what I have committed the last 3 1/2 years of my Life to, trying to uncover The Truth of the Conspiracy to Destroy America. Most, dont seem to give a crap, that America is going in the Crapper. Its, all BS, in my Book. Fear is a Liar. Face Everything And Rise. Stand and demand The Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the Plan, of a New World Order, in motion, My Conclusion, after over 2 years of writing my Book, I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. The Truth or The End. Our, choice. The Truth will set US Free. Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One thing, I can tell you, is youve got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. I believe I am being Led to The Truth from above. Please take a good look at what I have been writing, along with Photos, and Videos that are attached. I believe we are living out a Royal-Made Script, that is a Dead Ringer, to End Time Stories in the Bible. All, based on Secrets, and Lies. I believe the Script is delivering on the Promise, of a New World Order, by Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Royal Bush 41. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skulls and Bones Royal Bush 41, being the Son of Skulls and Bones Royal Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WW II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson of the Banker to the Nazis, to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! We are now, $18,000,000,000,000 in Debt, and that is what we know about. The Government could be Shutdown in 8 days!! We are on the verge of a Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North who opposes the New World Order, as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. That War Scenario, along with the New World Order, comes straight out of End Time Stories. Just when you thought it couldnt get any worse, we dont even know who our so-called President and Commander in Chief is, or where he was born. What A Country! Not, for long, unless The People stand now. I believe The People should give our so-called President, whoever he is, one chance to Obey his Oath. He needs to tell US the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. So, help US, God! As The Truth is being told, all those involved in the Conspiracy and Cover-up of the Destruction of America, are being brought to Justice. Its, Now or Never, Do or Die Time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. I believe the days of US living under the Rule of Secrets and Lies, are numbered, the writing is on The Wall. Besides, tomorrow is not promised, from above. While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. The Truth or The End. The Truth, is the answer, its the Word of God. The Truth brings Eternal Life. See my entire Facebook Page, its my Book - Change 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:54:24 +0000

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