Hello KAP, This is a copy of a message I wrote Campbell Newman - TopicsExpress


Hello KAP, This is a copy of a message I wrote Campbell Newman today you may wish to use as part of your commentary against asset sales: Good day Mr Premier, I am writing as a concerned Queenslander as to the recent decision to sell and lease state-owned assets. Why did you illude the state that the smart choices website was actually real, and people could decide how to help decide the states future for saving the economy? There was only ever one option you considered. The selling of state-owned assets. These are not your assets. They are the states assets. The community who have paid taxes for a century paid for these assets. You contributed as best you could when you were Lord Mayor of Brisbane, and now you act as a super lord mayor because you only care about Brisbane and other crime-ridden, dole-bludging areas of south-east Queensland. I plead with you to not ever consider the sale of state-owned assets. Brisbane will always be looked after by the private sector, but the remainder of the north will be forgotten. Just look at the Victorian Rail privatisation deal case study, of how private enterprise discards areas of lower population. And those same greedy privateers will forget about north and west Queensland, despite the amount of money these areas generate for state and federal income through taxes. Only the state sees this value, because they are the beneficiary of the tax, where private enterprise only see it as 5,000 people that can deal with brown-outs, dial-up-internet, and single lane highways for food produce, compared with rail. I am sure you understand what I am saying, but no one understands your motivation to selling assets. The debt problem is not cause enough to warrant the one-chance-only sale of a revenue-producing asset. I ask again for you to reconsider the selling of these assets, because once they are gone - they cannot be bought back again without more hurt to the taxpayer. Once again I recommend you reference the Victorian Rail sale and what happened when the Victorian Government had to buy the asset back at an embarrassing loss, with perennial costs to make the cancelled and neglected rail line passable for trains again. Remember who you are affecting - Queenslanders. Thank you. Jay Ellul
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:16:25 +0000

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