Hello Mr Perry, Im so grateful to you. As I mentioned on - TopicsExpress


Hello Mr Perry, Im so grateful to you. As I mentioned on the phone Ive ceased going on the site, barely at all now. I have some bad news though. Ive had to go in the garden and get over my fear of the neighbour as part of my recovery. I stated all along I feared the moment Claire saw me she would start up the sillyness again. With my condition it makes you insecure about your fears as you doubt them and reproach most thoughts you have. However, I have gone in the garden for the first time this year, which was incredibly hard, and its started again. Firstly I got a comment again over the fence up to my bathroom window this morning saying shes watching me. I have no idea why she bullies me other than the mast last year, she got involved with neighbours and called me a grass. You know the rest. I think its because Im mentally ill, even though Ive never divulged information to her. Either way, I ignored it and got on with the garden before she had another excuse to set the council on me. Never once have I done anything, all her claims were unverified except the one nervous breakdown she helped drive me to last year with the neighbours, where I broke down and cried. Apparently thats noise nuisance. I stuck felt stickers on my cupboards even though I have had them the entire seven years she lived there and they werent an issue before. And I told the police ahead what she was going to do by getting the council to harrass me, they said she wasnt and the police didnt believe me, but she did do all those things, having never once spoken to me on the matter and having given false texts to the council too and saying she could hear me through the kitchen wall saying oops and that it was directed at her? They were all unfounded and when I put cameras up to protect myself and asked the council to put sound recording in she stopped the lies. However Ive been too scared to put my TV on, go in my garden or leave my bed since, an estimated 8 months of depression and anxiety in my own home with no support and growing fear. Now Im trying to recover through help with journey and the housing support who encouraged me to go out in the garden again, alas, shes started again. This morning two different neighbours approached me to say they were really glad to see me out again, and she came out into her porch which protrudes forward into the gardens. Moved ornaments about and had a camera facing me directly in my own garden while opening her window to listen to the conversation with the neighbour. Im trying not to react but its affecting me, and Ive had to put up a washing line and a sheet to protect my dignity and privacy a tiny bit. It doesnt really protect me entirely, only covers two meters so Im still being filmed. I dont know why she has it on my garden, it seems wrong and illegal, ive never committed a crime in my life, and I have a camera that most definitely doesnt go onto her property, in my garden so why would she need to film me again if not to deliberately try to provoke me and make me paranoid? Something Ive had to deal with from her for over a year now. I doubt there is anything you can do. But if i keep a log of events it helps as clearly she isnt going to leave me in peace and this is going to continue to esculate. I cant stop her harrassing me or bullying me. I feel scared and powerless. Ive missed my appointment with journey today and therefore will be excluded from the group. The only support and help ive been getting. My housing support worker who knew about what was happening has got another job. Im isolated again and feel very very vulnerable. Basically Im a sitting duck waiting for her next approach. Im sorry to bother you, I dont want to ring the police as they got angry last time I rang them when she damaged my property and filmed me, and I understand why they are fed up of it. They have better things to do than get embroiled with a neighbours dispute. But please, please keep this email on record?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:30:28 +0000

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