Hello, My name is Sonja, I am the Daughter of Markus, the first - TopicsExpress


Hello, My name is Sonja, I am the Daughter of Markus, the first vampire and Drakela a wonderful female vampire... Ever since I was little I lived in Viktors coven as his daughter, And as the princess of the coven Guards and maidens everywhere, I felt as if I had been locked away, At the age of eight I met my mother, Viktor had told me she was dead, I was ever so happy to have her back I wanted to be with her I felt safe when she was near, But as I grew so did a young slave a lycan named Lucian, I watched him train and when I was able to I taken down to see him in his cell but in secret , my heart held a secret only my mother really knew of I was starting to love Lucian I hid it from Viktor and many others I think he felt the same back then, yet one night I had a terrible accident that knocked me out for three months, another time I spoke out against Viktor and was slapped, leaving a mark from his ring on my face, the memories hurt but many are of the times with my mother they always make me smile, around the age of 19 I was seeing Lucian In secret still, we where in love and it was forbidden, I soon discovered I was carrying his child a hybrid... Viktor Killed the child before it was born, years went by and it became hard, Lucian was gone but soon returned, Viktor was killed by my Mother, and the child that had been lost was Brought back, Her name is as her grandmothers is but we call her Kela, Now married to Lucian we are the head of the coven we adopted a little boy and named him Markus after my father, and recently we have a new son, his name is Frost... Times have been hard recently my mother feel very ill, she promised to never leave yet seeing her suffer, Lucian said I had to tell her she could let go and I did, she passed on yet that same night at the river I was with her spirit she gave me a wonderful gift, the gift of the daylight vampire, she was brought back by a doctor but she was a rouge, i brought her back to how she was and now she is in an internal sleep, things I hope will be wonderful for my family and for the futher
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:39:56 +0000

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