Hello Samurai of Rokugan! On Monday Bryan Reese made a post - TopicsExpress


Hello Samurai of Rokugan! On Monday Bryan Reese made a post where he explained that, more or less, he has had it with the negativity that has bred inside the online L5R community; negativity which does not extend into local communities but seems to thrive online. It is a poison that is draining too many players fun from the game, and makes it more difficult to get new players into the game. When a new player becomes interested in the game, he or she will generally find a lot of fun and positivity in his local environment. Then they hop online, and if they find a toxic environment waiting for them, it is an immediate turn off. We at AEG are done with that negativity. We dont need or want it in our personal lives, nor does L5R need or want it. From the outreach of support we have gotten from you all, we feel that most of you are also fed up with it. So lets fight back against it. Lets kill it with kindness. If we take a stand against it, we can remove it from the online community and get the online community back to the place where we all want it to be. A place where valid, well constructed criticisms are the norm, and not these outlandish, knee-jerk, hyperbolic reactions that have become the starting place for too many conversations. Doesnt that sound like a better online L5R community to you? It certainly does to us. So what can you do? Dont encourage the negativity when you see it, stand up against it. Fight back by making a well-reasoned argument instead of being more hyperbolic then the last person. Dont make posts such as This is the worst ruling/design/story/whatever ever! or Well, guess this means the end of X, etc. We LOVE talking L5R, it is what we do. It is our passion, and yours too. Do you have a well thought-out and constructive criticism? Lets hear it! If there is a way we could be doing a better job, in your opinion, then we want to know. We wont promise that we will act on every criticism every player has, but we can promise that we will hear them, and we will contemplate them. Email us at community@alderac when you have something you wish to address. We are here to listen to you and to make the game the best game we can possibly make it for you. If you want yourself heard, send us your constructive criticism, dont make some hyperbolic, insulting post online, that helps no one and progresses nothing. We will listen, and respond to, those who are trying to make the game better, so if you want to be heard, this will be your best approach. L5R is a game. Games are fun. Lets stick with that.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:33:21 +0000

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