Hello Shree. I follow you on FB. And have bought Sitas Curse - The - TopicsExpress


Hello Shree. I follow you on FB. And have bought Sitas Curse - The Language of Desire also. I dont know if its alright for me to write this way. As in, frankly, if you are my friend. Maybe...you are. Like Meera is. I have been in a unhappy, abusive marriage since the age of 21. Beaten. Kicked. Tied to a bed and made to perform the most humiliating things. I felt dirty, for a long time. Asking that this is the same man in whose name, and for whom I perform so many pujas? Fasting? Is there no justice for us? A wife? I tried getting out many times. But the law was equally complex. Somehow no one believes a woman abused by her own spouse. Her legal care-taker. Not even my own parents. Finally, last year I started staying separately. It was hell. But there was some dignity, at least. My in-laws took away my son. Saying I was a mental case, suggesting I was of ill character and all. They will not give me a divorce, though I am still fighting, however I can. Two months back, I did something. I met a man on a chat site. And after some weeks, I met him. In a hotel. When he was kissing me, I felt nothing, except all this pain. And then he saw me crying, and stopped. We didnt do anything. Anymore. Except, talk. As I poured my heart to him. Feeling so safe, so suddenly. Shree, a womans desires are never treated with respect and care. Labelled as desperation and frustration. A woman expected to be silent, as I had been. But I will not. There is a Meera in me. I feel no shame that I met a stranger. Like...Yosuf. Making me realize I want to be free. I will be free. ***** Anita (name changed on request), your message is a blessing. In a week I launch my book in Delhi. Reminding me gently of all the stories I heard and lived. You are Meera. You will win.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:36:06 +0000

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