Hello! Sorry this has taken so long to post! This is Part 1 of the - TopicsExpress


Hello! Sorry this has taken so long to post! This is Part 1 of the Olly Fiction. PLease read :) xx ~Izii x “What do you want to do when you’re older, Eliza?” Miss Porter interrupted my day-dreams about Olly. Before I could speak, a boy behind me replied to her “She wants to be Olly Murs’ girlfriend.” He sniggered. The rest of the class laughed at his remark as well as Miss Porter. “A singer.” I murmured, trying to ignore the chortles and cackles surrounding me. Once again, everyone erupted into more laughter. Anger built up in my face, producing a flame red colour in my cheeks. How dare they tease me about being a fan about Olly and my dream to sing!? The bell went and I began to rush out of the classroom, eager to get away from my school mates. This was my last school year, and then I’d be able to get away from the teasing students and bias teachers. As I slumped my old bag over my shoulder and snatched my coat from my chair, I escaped “Richard Collins Secondary School” but most of us called it Dick CSS. A powerful wind hit my face as I opened the door to outside. The weather was boring, cold and uncheerful. I decided to go to Starbucks, seeing as that was the only cafe near the school. I also believed that most people meet celebrities in Starbucks; most Fan Fictions have begun with the girl/boy meeting their idol at Starbucks, who at the time is ordering a coffee. “Afternoon Eliza!” Valerie called from behind the counter as I walked into the building. “Hi! The usual please.” I said to Valerie, giving a warm smile. “Caramel Macchiato? Ok sweetie.” She replied, taking a cup. I slumped down at the sofa nearby where she was making my drink, sighing. “What’s up honey?” Valerie asked, putting the delicately made Macchiato on the table next to me. “Nothing.” I replied, sipping my hot drink, hoping to taste a bit of caramel first. It burnt the tip of my tongue, but I carried on drinking. “Darling, you can always talk to me, you know?” She said, putting her hand on my knee. “Yeah.” I said, nodding my head. “I’ve got to get on with work, but feel free to come and chat. You can have the Macchiato on the house.” She exclaimed, and then got back to work. After a few minutes, I tested the temperature of my drink again. Perfect! I gulped down the creamy foam and expresso. “Sorry to bother you, but may I have a chat?” A mature professional voice spoke to me. “Uhm, I don’t usually talk to strangers but yes?” I laughed. “I couldn’t help but notice your elegant figurine and beautiful face. You look perfect for the new video.” “Thank you?” I said, a little confused. “What’s your name?” He said before I could finish. “Eliza.” I answered, then remembered what I was going to say. “What video?” “No time to talk Eliza. We’ve got to get to London. If you want to know why, read this.” He replied, handing me a small poster. ACTORESS OR MODEL NEEDED FOR O.M NEW MUSIC VIDEO. AUDITIONS AT BINGFIELD PARK 5PM. “But, I’m not an actoress or model?” I murmured as we got into the black taxi. “No, you’re not, you’re better than one.” The man chuckled before telling the cab driver the directions to the train station. For the rest of the ride to the train station as well as the train ride, I was stuck thinking what the O.M video was and who was in it? O.M must mean something… Orlando Model video? Odeon Music?
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:07:00 +0000

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