Hello Special Ones :) Wow! Can you believe that we are halfway - TopicsExpress


Hello Special Ones :) Wow! Can you believe that we are halfway through January already, hasnt it flown?! I wanted to check in with you and see how youve been going.... Where are you with your new years resos and 2014 goals? Did you set any? Are you on track, have you hit a bit of a bump or are you totally derailed? You see the reason I ask is that I have hit a bit of snag with one of mine already! One of my goals for 2014 is to get back to the gym 5 days per week and I was on track until the 2nd week of January. I hurt my leg, then when it was healing I hurt my hip. Interesting hu?! The short version is that rather than making excuses and blaming my outside world I chose to look at the real reason why I was creating pain in my body and stopping myself from achieving my 2014 goal. The way to do this was to look inward and this is what I found.....I was creating pain in my legs and hips due to fear of moving forward in my life. I have made so many changes recently towards living my purpose and having the life I have always dreamed of that my inside belief system and outside world were no longer matching up. While I know I am here to do great things there is another part of me, the part that has caused me to injure myself and slow my progress. This part hasnt caught up with my dreams and the outside world I am creating, this is the part of me that says I dont deserve to be happy, healthy and have an amazing life....this is the part that says I am not worthy. So now I have found this little part of me and I am working with her to let that go. Everyday I send her love, I tell her that she is amazing, that she is worthy and that she is so capable of changing the world. This experience got me thinking though maybe some of you have hit a snag like me and you might need a little assistance with moving forward. If you are on track....go you, you are doing awesome! If youve hit a bump or derailed....go you, you are doing awesome! The thing to remember is its ok, in fact its normal! Whats more important is what you do next..... Have you looked at why you have slowed down or stopped? Now I dont mean the external reasons, what Im talking about is the internal reasons why.....why dont you think you deserve to reach your goal? NOW before you start telling yourself or me all the external reasons why...that its out of your control etc etc STOP, take a deep breath, open your mind and consider this...... Science is now showing us that what we think wether we are aware of those thoughts or not creates our world. These thoughts affect our choices, colour our vision and our perspective of our external world. They determine the actions we take in life. Full on hu?! If thats the case then if you have created something in your external world that has put the breaks on with regards to achieving your 2014 goal then is it possible that there is a belief in your internal world that is telling you that you cant have your goal for some reason? HOW TO FIND IT....... This is one of the most powerful techniques I use to find out whats going on in my internal world! ASK YOURSELF..... Take some time out and go to a quiet place, get comfortable, breath deeply, relax and go within to a quiet place....then ask yourself what it is that is holding you back....The trick with this one is to listen to the first thing that comes to mind before your brain starts thinking. Its ok if its a really random thing, go with it. Write it down if need be and then ask yourself why is (what ever the first word was) holding you back...keep asking and writing until you find the answer. You will know it when you find it because it will more than likely feel uncomfortable, you may have a physical response or when your mind touches it, it may retreat quickly. What ever happens keep working at it and remember to be gentle and loving towards yourself. This tool is a way for you to get past your thinking mind and access your deeper consciousness. Once youve found out what it is that is holding you back start working on it using affirmations, visualisations and self love. All these things help to start to change that thought. Heres a tip: Its often easier to replace the thought with a new one than it is just to delete it! Thats where affirmations come in. AFFIRMATIONS/VISUALISATIONS: When creating an affirmation or visualisation it needs to be Positive, Personal and based in the Present (as if it is happening already). Adding a positive emotion such as joy, love and happiness also enhances the effect of the affirmation or visualisation on changing your thought process. What ever you choose to do to work on it make sure it comes from a place of love and that you are consistent and persistent about it. That thought has probably been there for a while and so it wont necessarily disappear in a day. TAKE ACTION.... Through out this process take action. Action cures everything. Actions dont have to be huge they just have to move you forward one step at a time. This is one of may tools that I use myself and with my clients to assist with overcoming the curve balls, bumps or quicksand that life sends our way. If you would like to learn some simple techniques to help life run a little smoother or you need a hand getting moving again and gaining some clarity you can book a transformational session with me on 0412275431. Have a wonder filled day xx
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 23:58:53 +0000

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