Hello Star Family- I hope that you have all been making the - TopicsExpress


Hello Star Family- I hope that you have all been making the necessary adjustments to work with the energy from solar eclipse and ample amounts of solar flares we have encountered recently. The week begins with plenty of action and creativity. So all of the adrenaline junkies will not be disappointed as we finish up the fiery Sagittarius moon and hike our way through the mountainous virtues of the Capricorn moon to the high ideals of Aquarius moon. Since Sagittarius energy is the essence of adventure, optimism, challenges and development of all kinds, Mars’ recent move from Sagittarius into Capricorn underlines all issues relating to father Saturn. The recent eclipse may mark the new semester of changes that we need to focus on through the next equinox, but many will feel like they are already being put through “mid-term” exams. Since Mars is the planet of energy, vitality and self maintenance, it is important to direct or channel that energy into planning and participating in actions that bring you closer to achievements that you crave. Why Is This Important? Saturn rules the zodiac sign(s) of Capricorn and Aquarius and is known for the foundation and structure that we encounter in everyday life. Saturn represents rules, boundaries, order of operations, and ordinal process in general. Saturn often represent the father or any other “authority” figure in your life. That’s right, Saturn is your boss, every nasty clerk at the DMV, rent or mortgage payments and taxes that are taken or “collected” to ensure functionality to our various nations. Mars individuality may want you to request a refund when things don’t work as promised. However, Mars in Capricorn creates conflict because Capricorn’s ruler Saturn, places a greater emphasis on power over fairness and justice. While Mars energy is known to fight the “status quo,” it will usually subvert or undermine that same system the minute it goes against Mars’ agenda. How Does This Apply To You? With The Sun, Venus, transiting Scorpio, we have the issues of our will, passionate desires, and ethics having conflicts with individuals and institutions that seek to identify and define your sovereignty. Since Mars is a personal planet, its placement in Capricorn increases pressure between you and any person or institution that is a threat to your individual expression. While Mars in Capricorn reduces the amount of philosophical crusades in your community, it is likely to reinforce a “follow the rules,” “tow the line,” wait your turn culture for the sake of order and “safety” for all. The Problem? Following the rules benefits everyone unless said rules and laws are not applied fairly or in their proper context. Examples would be people being prohibited from growing food in their own front yard, not being able to catch or store rain water in certain states, and Monsanto trying to manipulate the world’s food supply. Mars in Capricorn means sorting out the realize of regulations and rules so that they actually protect the citizens of the earth and mother earth herself. The conflict will be between those people that can see through the jargon and dogma of legislation and politics and educate people in language plain enough to empower and mobilize the disempowered masses. The rest of the article is: agent64/mars-capricorn/
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:55:37 +0000

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