Hello Sweet Souls, Todays crystal of the day is ~ Citrine ~ a - TopicsExpress


Hello Sweet Souls, Todays crystal of the day is ~ Citrine ~ a beautiful, uplifting golden energy, that will brighten your start into the new week ^_^ I hope you enjoy xxx ~ Citrine ~ Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits. [Raphaell, 86][Simmons, 119][Ahsian, 120] Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in ones life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and explorations. [Hall, 118][Gienger, 28] Natural Citrine is a powerful purifier of ones will center, helping to identify and heal issues of power abuse and feelings of helplessness. It enables one to understand what is necessary to resolve those situations, and provides the courage and fortitude needed to make difficult decisions and take action. [Ahsian, 120][Gienger, 28] Called The Merchants Stone for its properties of increase in the cashbox, sparkling yellow Citrine not only assists in acquiring wealth, but helps in maintaining it. [Melody, 209] It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good. It also encourages generosity and sharing good fortune. [Hall, 118] Place in the wealth corner of your home or business, or in the cash box. Citrine fades in sunlight. [Hall, 119] Citrine stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. It helps keep skin, nails, and hair healthy, and is good for relieving skin irritations and allergies, especially those caused by food or chemical intolerances. [Gienger, 28][Megemont, 60][Hall, 119][Eason, 89] My experience of Citrine (Bee Bee) Just to clarify about the difference between Natural Citrine and Citrine... Most of the Citrine you find today is heat~treated Amethyst. The colour of this is usually a rich, deep honey golden to sometimes almost brown yellow. Looking at it reminds us of sweets and I often have the urge to bite into it, as it looks so inviting. The natural Citrine is of a much rarer and lighter nature, and lacking the sticky sweetness, it is a much paler but purer gold. I cannot add all that much to all of the above, but to me, Citrine is all about the sweetness in life. When we enjoy life, are able to fully stand in our power, love ourselves completely and totally, with abundance flowing beautifully, then we are truly blessed. Citrine helps us connect with and achieve this pure, divine joy and enables the unhindered flow of abundance, releasing any blockages in the solar plexus and sacral chakra that may hinder you in achieving your personal and very divine right to joy. It is a wonderful aid for those struggling with darkness, and dissolves anger and negativity like snow in warm sunshine. It is literally a ray of sunshine to help brighten our darker days. It IS a wonderful aid for those struggling with digestive issues, especially of the upper digestive tract, where the sweetness of the Citrine counteracts the acidity of our stomach (life), especially when caused by frazzled nerves, anxiety and stress. Whilst treated Citrine seems to be especially useful for the lower chakras, I love using Natural Citrine for enabling the flow of Divine Joy through the Crown Chakra. There is an ethereal glow around Natural Citrine that is very similar to that of the enlightened Crown Chakra and it helps us connect to All that Is. Meditating with this gorgeous crystal will bring us closer to the Divine Nectar of Life and bathes us in Christ Consiousness, where we can achieve a state of blissful gratitude and joy for and in life that will keep you smiling all day long. xxx
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:18:41 +0000

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