Hello Team Eddie. Overdue update on Eddie. And in consideration - TopicsExpress


Hello Team Eddie. Overdue update on Eddie. And in consideration today marks the end of the Blessed Virgin week and a special prayer for Eddie was, Ive followed this update with reposts from this time last year. Thanks for taking the time to read this. As indicated last Sunday, Eddie had been sent to the Huntington Memorial ER Saturday night as for an infection causing swelling on his penis and foreskin. He was prescribed an anti-biotic regimen and sent back to TK after a few hours. Good news is that over the past week, the infection, caused by general flora, has almost cleared up completely. This past Friday, Eddie had his scheduled pulmonology appointment with at UCLA. Dr. Li seemed pleased with his progress on the breathing trials, currently at 6 hours (4 hr/2 hr sessions) CPAP and 1 hr 15 min (45 min/30 min sessions) Aerosol daily. With CPAP trial, Eddie initiates all his breaths and his life support machine (vent) only kicks in to support him if he goes below threshold levels on breaths per minute (bpm) and blood gas absorption/expulsion. With Aerosol trials however, Eddie is completely unhooked from his vent and it is up to him to breathe and maintain it. Respiratory techs monitor his blood gases with a portable devices and the only attachment is a mist collar provide humidification. This is as close to breathing on his own Eddie gets while still vent dependent overall. He has done exceedingly well during his Aerosol trials to date. So much so that Dr. Li indicated a willingness to switch his sprints from CPAP to all Aerosol! Of course, we’d have to build him up over a couple weeks and not jump straight to 4hr/2 hr sessions, have to make sure of RT availability given Aerosol requires direct monitoring unlike CPAP, and as usual, have the attending TK doctor sign off on it. But this is all good news for Eddie from a pulmonology stand point. From Blessed Virgin week last year Nov. 30th: A Novena to the Virgin of Juquila praying for Eddies complete recovery started yesterday and concludes on December 7. Prayer session times are held between 7 pm - 8 pm PST. Please say a prayer for Eddie during that time. Thanks to friends of Grandma Maria who are from Oaxaca, Mexico and parishioners at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Los Angeles. Hearing of Eddies plight, they offered to hold this Novena for Eddie. The Virgin of Juquila is held in the highest regard by the people of Oaxaca for the miracles granted to the sick and needy, but in particular children. They have graciously brought in a framed picture, blessed at the site in Juquila, Mexico where the Virgin appeared in the 1600s, to be placed at the foot of Eddies bed during the Novena. A special thanks to these kind people and to everyone else who continues to pray for Eddies recovery. God Bless. From last year Dec. 7th: The Novena for Eddie concluded last night with multiple family members and friends at his bedside and all of those praying in support worldwide. During the Novena, we witnessed firsthand something short of miracle on Friday night, a huge leap forward in Eddies neurological recovery, which serves to reaffirm the major role power of prayer and faith in this process. The true and only miracle will come when Eddie has fully recovered. And in that I have faith. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Novena and to everyone who continues to pray for, support or send positive energy Eddies way. Special thanks in particular to the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle in Los Angeles who took the initiative of organizing this Novena for Eddie upon hearing of his struggle through a family friend and graciously lent him their blessed portrait of the Virgin of Juquila to be placed at his bedside these past 9 days. As part of a special mass to be held at this parish this afternoon for The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Eddie will be kindly included in their mass prayers. Thank you. On a personal note, this has been a much needed shot of hope for me, Eddies dad, who more than absolutely anyone given the circumstances of this tragic accident and the resultant debilitating daily ordeal I go through, needs to, has to, see my little Eddie, recover and come back to us. In this I have even more faith and hope after this week.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:32:45 +0000

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