Hello To all my walmart friends I want you to know the true - TopicsExpress


Hello To all my walmart friends I want you to know the true story of what is about to happen to me so no rumors will be going around. While iv been off work with my ankle, my attorney got a hold of me about my right knee injury back in 2010 and the walmart attorneys and mine want to settle this law suit. I just want to be done with it to so I can go on with my life. Well one of the things I have to do is walmat said I have to voluntarily resign my employment with walmart and I can never seek employment with any walmart ever. So I will be coming in or calling HR to resign my employment in the next day or so. I thought this was not right of walmart to make me do this since I have been working for them for 5 years after this accident happened so why do I have to resign. Thats ok I have a good work record and have kept my first job for 26 years and 10 years with walmart so im sure I will find work. Right now my perpuse in life is getting this ankle healed so I can lead a normal life with out being in pain and having puss comeing out of my ankle every day.i will be going to live with my brother at the end of august, not a bad thing but a good thing my mom lives there to so I will get to spend some quality time with her wich I have not been able to do since I work and can never get more than a week off at a time. I look at it this way you guys god just changed my patteren in life and I am thinking it is for the better. So please dont let bad rumors start just show them my post ok and that will be that. Going to miss you all so much love and kisses Marie
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:05:36 +0000

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