Hello World!Pleasant Greetings N Happy Everything 2 Everyone.Love - TopicsExpress


Hello World!Pleasant Greetings N Happy Everything 2 Everyone.Love from what I understand,is the foundation of everything.I acknowledge that I may be miss informed,or even absolutely uninformed n just maybe,correctly informed.Either way,let me begin by stating that,I was introduced 2 love,sparingly,inconsistently n it was in limited supply.So whatever the reason behind it,I have always had a inborn impulse 2look within myself for Love,motivation,validation n inspiration.Always being able 2 understand,if u do not know better u cannot do better.So,it always causes me pain,momentarily that is.when people say if u Love me,u wouldnt do that or u wouldnt do this or if u Love me,u do this or u would that.However,I do not often hear the people,that profess 2 Love u saying if u Love yourself,perhaps u should do this or do that.yet,most often when the Love they demand n whatever He or She,Them or They expect u 2 do 2 prove your Love,if u fall short or find their expectation disagreeable 2 your understanding,taste or preference,then its a conflict of interest.My point,Love thy self first relentlessly so that u can tap into that Inner Love effortlessly.So that u can enough 2 share Generously n abundantly with those u co-exist with!However,under no circumstances for better or worse,Please do hesitate 2 bet on yourself first!Always by Gods Grace n Ones Faith,I am a firm,resolute believer that OneDay,OneWay its never If its going 2 happen but when!Hold on,Stay up n Stay at it!Peace n Respect n always n Love
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:32:21 +0000

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