Hello World......and beyond. Here I am sitting in my new dwelling - TopicsExpress


Hello World......and beyond. Here I am sitting in my new dwelling place surrounded by boxes of.......who knows what and whatever it turns out to be in them......do I really need it. Well, yes.....at least some of it.......my trusty study Bible and the Messenger........journals and a variety of other assorted written and bound items......from years and years of study, reflection, prayer and just plain ole pondering........ I sit.......in my new room where books will be read, devotionals, memoirs, theology, sermons, essays and other stuff will be written. I like my view.........theres lots of trees and occasional swaths of golden, red and brown.......the last of autumns canopy of color.........I breathe in the sunshine.......finally strong and out shining the gloomy grayish purple clouds that have dominated our skies and horizons for much too long. I love rain and fog and brisk cold air......and I rejoice to see the sun - its presence nurtures, warms and shifts the energy of - well, everything.......everyone I encountered today was smiling, cordial and seemingly optimistic about the year in front of us. Feels like a huge sigh of relief danced sweetly across our city. Lovely. Hopeful. Exciting. Lovely! DebiSu has set a discipline for herself which is to articulate and post everyday 5 things shes grateful for - some of our FB friends - near and wide have undertaken the same discipline - cant say I will do it everyday - Im into relaxing and not rushing or being disciplined about anything for awhile - however - I do have many things and people I am deeply grateful and thankful for that I would like to express in this post ......... Before I start - however - I want to thank the Cathedral of Hope, UCC and acknowledge my profound gratitude for the privilege of doing ministry for you and in partnership with you. I have never served a church where I felt so accepted, affirmed, encouraged, supported and loved. And your very generous love offering is a blessing and gift I shall always be grateful for and so thankful. COH will always be my spiritual home - whether I am present or not. I experience God giving me a word for the Cathedral of Hope - watch for it........it unfolds even as I write. I say with humility and gratitude I am woman striving to be in ever deepening relationship with God..... my first loyalty is always God - Jesus - Holy Spirit. Jesus and Holy Spirit helped me learn to believe and trust in God. many years ago I gave my life to God and vowed certain things to Her. There really are no words that articulate clearly, concisely, and absolutely the immense joy, ongoing transformation, challenge, AGONY AND ECSTASY those promises have brought me. I have loved my life as a Metropolitan Community Church pastor, activist, healer and proponent of social and political justice. These past forty years or so - in partnership with God and plenty of powerful gay men and Lesbian women have been marvelous - healing, overwhelming, and they have instilled within me a strong sense of who I am, and why I walk upon this earth. So......absolutely grateful to Troy Perry, Nancy Wilson, Lee Carlton, Jim Miltulski, Ed Hougen, Karen Ziegler, Carol Cureton, Dusty Pruitt, Renee McCoy, Delores Berry, Jeri Ann Harvey, Jean White, Marge Ragona, Don Eastman, Howard Gaas......and so many more who empowered new life, vision and hope within me and caused the glimmer of fire within me to turn bright and blazing with love and a never ending determination to be a part of bringing Gods realm on this earth. I am thankful and grateful for a years long friendship with Lee Dewey. Lee has been present for me at some of the most difficult moments of my life. She has helped me in really essential ways every time I have sought it from her. Weve had some rough spots through the years - we both have quick tempers and are more than a bit stubborn.....still I trust in our love and compassion for one another. I deeply appreciate her wisdom, kindness, trustworthiness, generoisity, loyalty and honesty. I am also grateful that she allowed me to love Wookie, Boo, Cooper, Peanut and Petunia - sweet tender creatures of God. I am, of course, almost overwhelmed by the gift of DebiSus love for me and her honest desire to be in relationship with me. Shes so beautiful and deep - filled with vision, insight and understanding. Shes sees into all I am - and - still she loves and desires me. She teaches and challenges me - encourages me to stay out of the shadows - to trust in hope and renewal - she loves even the roughest and even frail parts of me. She honors me with her love - I am sure I am not worthy - and am thankful, grateful and awed anyway. She has given me an opportunity to rest, study, and write.......who in Gods world could ask for more. I dont want to stop because there are many more people I want to lift up as being gifts of grace in my life. More tomorrow......I can smell the Crowder peas - theres vegetables to cook and cornbread to make. See yall later. Peace and Grace for all of us.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:58:18 +0000

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