Hello all, Happy feast day to all born, baptized and married - TopicsExpress


Hello all, Happy feast day to all born, baptized and married today Happy feast day to all Deacons, Seminarians, Priests, Cardinals, Bishops, Monks, Nuns, Religious Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. Happy feast day to all named Ignatius and parents of all named Ignatius Happy feast day to all who have lost their Parent (s) Happy feast day to all who read, reflect and imitate on the lives of the saints Happy feast day to all devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially all who recite Her Holy Rosary with true devotion Happy feast day to all who constantly read and reflect on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other Sacramentals and Holy books written by the Saints Happy feast day to all Clerics of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Happy feast day to all devoted to the Holy Eucharist Happy feast day to all Catholics who obey the Catholic Churchs authority and hierarchy Happy feast day to all Catholics who constantly pray for the Pope and the Clergy, especially all who pray for vocation to Catholic Priesthood and religious life. Happy feast day to all Catholics who support and sponsor the Clergy and encourage Catholic Missionaries world-wide Happy feast day to all Catholic Missionaries Today (31st of July) marks the feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola He is often called Inigo He can also be referred to as Saint Loyola He is popularly known as Saint Ignatius Loyola He was a Spanish knight from a Basque noble family Catholic History informs us that Ignatius was the founder of the Society of Jesus popularly known as “Jesuit” Ignatius was the first Superior General of the ‘Society of Jesus’ popularly known as “Jesuit” He emerged as a religious leader during the Counter-Reformation His devotion to the Catholic Church was characterized by unquestioning obedience to the Catholic Churchs authority and hierarchy He was born in the year 1491 in the municipality of Azpeitia at the castle of Loyola in todays Basque Country of Gipuzkoa, Spain He was baptized and given the name Íñigo Catholic History tells us that he was given the name at Baptism in honour of Saint Enecus (Innicus), who was an Abbot of Oña, The name is a mediaeval Basque name arguably meaning My little. It is unclear when he started using Ignatius instead of his baptismal name Íñigo Ignatius did not intend to change his name but rather adopted for France and Italy a name which he believed was a simple variant of his own, and which was more acceptable among foreigners Catholic History confirms that Ignatius was the youngest of 13 children He was only seven years old when his mother died. In 1506, he adopted the last name de Loyola in reference of the Basque city of Loyola where he was born and later became a page in the service of a relative, Juan Velázquez de Cuéllar, who was the treasurer / mayor of the kingdom of Castile. In 1509, Ignatius took up arms for Antonio Manrique de Lara, Duke of Nájera and Viceroy of Navarre. Saint Ignatius diplomacy and leadership qualities made him very useful to the Duke. History confirms to us that under the Dukes leadership, Ignatius participated in many battles without injury to himself. But when the French army, supporting the Navarrese monarchy in 1512, stormed Pamplonas fortress on May 20, 1521, a cannonball wounded one of Saint Ignatius legs and broke the other. Heavily injured, Íñigo was returned to the castle. Catholic History confirms that he was very concerned about the injuries on his leg Ignatius had several surgical operations, which were very painful in the days before anaesthetics. After being seriously wounded at the Battle of Pamplona on 20 May 1521, he underwent a spiritual conversion while in recovery. The injury left him partially crippled for life. Saint Ignatius was passionately fond of reading worldly books of fiction and tales of knight-errantry. When he felt he was getting better from the wound he had received in battle, Saint Ignatius asked for some of these books to pass the time. But no book of that sort could be found in the house; instead they gave him a life of Christ and a collection of the lives of saints written in Spanish During his recuperation the only books he had access to were The Golden Legend, a collection of lives of the saints, and the Life of Christ by Ludolph the Carthusian. Catholic Tradition tells us that while reading the life of Christ our Lord or lives of the saints, Ignatius would reflect and reason with himself: What if I should do what Saint Francis or Saint Dominic did? In this way Ignatius let his mind dwell on many thoughts; the thoughts lasted for a while until other things took their place. Then those vain and worldly images would come into his mind and remain a long time. But there was a difference. When Ignatius reflected on worldly thoughts, he felt intense pleasure; but when he gave them up out of weariness, he felt dry and depressed. Yet when he thought of living the rigorous sort of life he knew the saints had lived, he not only experienced pleasure when he actually thought about it, but even after he dismissed these thoughts, he still experienced great joy. Catholic History tells us that these Holy books and the time Ignatius spent in contemplation changed him forever. The books inspired Saint Ignatius of Loyola to abandon his previous military life and devote himself to labour for God, following the example of spiritual leaders such as Saint Francis of Assisi. During his period of convalescence in 1521, Ignatius read a series of religious texts, on the life of Jesus and on the lives of the saints; he became fired with an ambition to lead a life of self-denying labour and to emulate the heroic deeds of Saint Francis of Assisi and other great monastics. He resolved to devote himself to the conversion of non-Christians in the Holy Land. Upon recovery, he visited the Benedictine monastery, Santa Maria de Montserrat (March 25, 1522), where he hung his military vestments before an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He then traveled to the town of Manresa, Catalonia and spent several months in a cave near where he practiced rigorous asceticism. Saint Ignatius experienced a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus while at the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat in March 1522. Thereafter he went to Manresa, where he began praying for seven hours a day, often in a nearby cave, while formulating the fundamentals of the Spiritual Exercises. In September 1523, Saint Ignatius reached the Holy Land to settle there, but was sent back to Europe by the Franciscans. In 1523, he instituted a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on a path of self denial and sacrifice. Between 1524 and 1537, Saint Ignatius studied theology and Latin in Spain and then in Paris. By 1534, Saint Ignatius gathered six key companions, all of whom he met as fellow students at the University He and his companions bound themselves by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. His companions were Saint Francis Xavier, Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laynez, and Nicholas Bobadilla (they were all Spanish) Joining them from France was Peter Faber and Simão Rodrigues from Portugal. Later they were joined by Francisco de Borja, a member of the House of Borgia who was the main aide of Emperor Charles V, and other nobles. On the morning of the 15th of August, 1534, in the crypt of the Church of Our Lady of the Martyrs, at Montmartre, Saint Ignatius of Loyola and his six companions, of whom only one was a priest, met and took upon themselves the solemn vows of their lifelong work. Saint Francis Xavier was the only priest among the six Companions of Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint Ignatius’ meditations, prayers, visions and insights led to forming the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) on the 15th of August 1534. The ‘Society of Jesus’ is popularly called ‘Jesuit’ Saint Ignatius traveled to Europe and the Holy Lands, then settled in Rome to direct the Jesuits. His health suffered in later years, and he was nearly blind at death Saint Ignatius of Loyola was the main creator and initial Superior General of the Society of Jesus, a religious organization of the Catholic Church whose members, known as Jesuits, served the Pope as missionaries. Saint Ignatius of Loyola is remembered as a talented spiritual director. He was very vigorous in opposing the Protestant Reformation and promoting the following Counter-Reformation In 1539, they formed the Society of Jesus popularly known as the Jesuits The Society was approved in 1540 by Pope Paul III (who was the 220th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) Saint Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises were approved also by Pope Paul III in 1548. Saint Loyola also composed the Constitutions of the Society. ------------------------------------------------- Quote of the Day (Saint Ignatius of Loyola) Do not let any occasion of gaining merit pass without taking care to draw some spiritual profit from it; as, for example, from a sharp word which someone may say to you; from an act of obedience imposed against your will; from an opportunity which may occur to humble yourself, or to practice charity, sweetness, and patience. All of these occasions are gain for you, and you should seek to procure them; and at the close of that day, when the greatest number of them have come to you, you should go to rest most cheerful and pleased, as the merchant does on the day when he had had most chance for making money; for on that day business has prospered with him. -Words of Saint Ignatius Loyola ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He has great designs for you, and that He certainly intends to make you a saint. And if you wish to become a great saint, entreat Him yourself to give you much opportunity for suffering; for there is no wood better to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross, which Christ used for His own great sacrifice of boundless charity. -words of Saint Ignatius Loyola ............................................... Ignatius died July 31, 1556 (aged 64–65) in Rome He was beatified and given the decree of heroic virtues and declared as Blessed Ignatius Loyola on the 27th of July, 1609 by Pope Paul V (who was the 233rd Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) He was canonized and pronounced as Saint Ignatius Loyola on the 13th of March, 1622 by Pope Gregory XV (who was the 234th Bishop of Rome since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) -------------------------------------------------------- Reflection of the Day Ignatian prayer is imaginative, reflective, and personal Saint Ignatius of Loyola encouraged people to develop an intimate relationship with a God who loves them and desires the best for them. Ignatius trusted human desires. He believed that our deepest desire is to return God’s love. Ignatius Loyola also trusted feelings. He believed that feelings of joy and sorrow, peace and distress, were important indicators of the path toward fruitful decisions and deeper union with God. Saint Ignatius contributed to the Catholic Church in many ways: one of which is his popularly prayer said by Catholics after receiving Holy Communion Anima Christi Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O Good Jesus, hear me. Within your wounds hide me. Permit me not to be separated from you. From the wicked foe, defend me. At the hour of my death, call me and bid me come to you That with your saints I may praise you Forever and ever. Amen. -------------------------------------------------------------- Another wonderful prayer prepared by Saint Ignatius is: Prayer for Generosity Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God, Teach me true generosity. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give without counting the cost, To fight heedless of wounds, To labor without seeking rest, To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward Save the knowledge that I have done your will. Amen. ------------------------------------------------------------- Some other beautiful prayers by Saint Ignatius of Loyola Suscipe Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, All I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me. ------------------------------------------------------------ Prayer to Know God’s Will May it please the supreme and divine Goodness to give us all abundant grace ever to know his most holy will and perfectly to fulfill it. ----------------------------------------------------------- Prayer to Saint Ignatius Saint Ignatius, You who helped evangelize and spread the Great Message, Who was able to refocus your life, In troublesome times for yourself, On the most important being in life. Help us follow in your footsteps, Through the long and troubling task, Of refocusing ourselves on the almighty one, God, our savior. Amen. ---------------------------------------------------------- Prayer to Saint Francis Xavier Saint Xavier, Help me become a hero— One who executes both spiritual and physical feats; One who gives himself up to be a part of something greater; One who departs on a journey and returns changed. Help me to emphasize the magis— One who does his best in every area; One who strives to be great in all aspects of his life. Help me become a person with and for others— One who respects himself as well as others; One who performs deeds not for himself, but for others. Help me become a leader— One who persuades others to do the right thing; One who guides others through action, not talk. We pray to you for help, Saint Xavier. Amen. ----------------------------------------------------------- Saint Ignatius of Loyola is the Patron saint of soldiers and the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines He is the Patron saint of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) He is also the Patron saint of Education Saint Ignatius of Loyola is invoked by Educators He is the Patron saint of Biscay & Guipúzcoa He is the Patron saint of Basque Country (his birth place) and various towns and cities in his native region Saint Ignatius is the Patron saint of the Dioceses of San Sebastián and Bilbao He is also the Patron saint of Catholic soldiers He is honored in the Catholic Church His feast day is celebrated annually on July 31, the day he died The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) today have over 500 universities and colleges, 30,000 members, and teach over 200,000 students each year. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us pray that by the works, spiritual direction, spiritual maturity and intercession of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, we may in this group find the spiritual motivation to win our souls for God. Amen May we all in this group and beyond this group, Christians and non Christians alike, Catholics and non Catholics alike, be saved from the fires of hell and lifted up into heaven after our stay here on this exile. Amen May our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Saint Ignatius and other Saints before and after him and through Gods Divine Mercy strengthen our souls, open out the way for us all, and above all, intoxicate us with HIS love. Amen May Christ make us into blazing fires to enkindle the earth with the heavenly fire HE brought us. Amen Summary of the life history and works of Saint Ignatius can be viewed by clicking the photo of the saint in our groups photo section Saint of the day, would be communicated to you as promptly and consistently as humanly possible, by Gods grace. Jesus we love you, all we have is yours, yours we are and yours we want to be, please do with us whatever you will. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our lives and our salvation. Amen Jesus, Mary we love you, please save our souls. Amen God bless you and grant your heart’s desire. Amen Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us. Amen. For a brief on our Saint of today, please click the link below: youtube/watch?v=F-CjHYilyZ4
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:50:35 +0000

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