Hello all, Happy feast day to all born, baptized and married - TopicsExpress


Hello all, Happy feast day to all born, baptized and married today Happy feast day to all Deacons, Seminarians, Priests, Bishops, Monks, Nuns, Reverend Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. Happy feast day to all those named Francis and Parents of all named Francis Happy feast day to all who recite the Holy Rosary with true devotion and all who honour the Blessed Virgin Mary Happy feast day to all who have a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Happy feast day to the 35 Doctors of the Church Happy feast day to all Salesian Clerics and all devoted to Saint Francis de Sales Happy feast day to all “Clerics of the Society of Jesus” popularly called the Jesuits Happy feast day to Clerics of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary popularly known as (Visitandines) Happy feast day to Catholic writers and journalists Happy feast day to the Catholic press and all other institutions and individuals who use the aid of media, internet and all other means of communication to spread Catholic doctrine throughout the world Happy feast day to all Catholic Missionaries Today (January 24) marks the feast of Saint Francis De Sales Francis was the Catholic Bishop of Geneva and is considered a Roman Catholic saint. He was born on the 21st of August, 1567 in Château de Thorens, Savoy, France Saint Francis was born into a Savoyard noble family in what is today known as Thorens-Glières, Haute-Savoie, in France. His father was François de Boisy and his mother was Françoise de Sionnz. History tells us that since he was the first of six children, his father wanted him to attend the best schools, and he enjoyed a privileged education in the nearby towns of La Roche-sur-Foron and Annecy Catholic Tradition informs us that his spiritual formation and academics were formed by the Jesuits. In 1583 he went to the Collège de Clermont in Paris. A year later Francis was engulfed in a personal crisis when, after attending a theological discussion about predestination, he became convinced that he was damned to Hell. In December 1586 his despair was so great that he was physically ill and even bedridden for a time. In January 1587, he visited the church of Saint-Etienne des Grès, in southern France, with great difficulty. There his crisis ended, and he decided to dedicate his life to God. Francis came to the conclusion that whatever God had in store for him was good, because God is love, as Scripture attests. This faithful devotion to the God of love not only expelled his doubts, but also influenced the rest of his life and his teachings. His way of teaching Catholic spirituality is often referred to as the Way of Divine Love, or the Devout Life, taken from a book he wrote of a similar name: Introduction to the Devout Life. In 1588, Francis transferred from the University of Paris to the University of Padua in Italy, where he studied both law and theology. There he made up his mind about becoming a priest. Intelligent and handsome, Saint Francis de Sales went through various conversion experiences that moved his heart to serve God rather than money or the world. A popular incident concerning Francis, as history tells us, was when his sword fell to the ground while he was riding a horse, and his sword crossed another sword, thus making the sign of the Cross. Saint Francis interpreted this, among other signs, that Jesus Christ was calling him to a life of sacrifice and self-giving love for the Church. In 1592, he ended his studies and was honoured with the title of doctor, certified both in law and theology. Catholic Tradition tells us that Francis made a pilgrimage to Loreto in Italy. Loreto was famous for its shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Francis decided to visit before going home. At home, his father had already secured a variety of positions for his son, one of which was a position on the Senate of Chambéry. Tradition informs us that it was difficult for Franciss father to accept that his son had already chosen the priesthood over a military or political career. After studying the humanities, rhetoric, theology, and law, Francis famously refused to marry the wealthy heiress his father had chosen as his bride, preferring to stay focused on his path with God. The intervention of Bishop Claude de Granier, (who was then the Catholic Bishop of Geneva), won Francis his ordination and appointment as provost of the cathedral chapter of Geneva in 1593 Since the time of the Protestant Reformation, which began in 1517, the seat of the Catholic bishops of Geneva, Switzerland, had been located at Annecy in Savoy, France, due to Calvinist control of Geneva itself. Francis, in his capacity as provost, engaged in enthusiastic campaigns of evangelism among the Protestants of Savoy, winning many returns to the Old Faith (i.e., Catholicism). Francis also traveled to Rome and Paris, where he forged alliances with Pope Clement VIII (who was the 231st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) and the French King Henry IV. In 1602, Bishop Granier died, and Francis was consecrated Bishop of Geneva. During his years as bishop, Francis acquired a reputation as a spell-binding preacher and something of an ascetic; In particular, Francis was known as a friend of the poor. Francis was a man of almost supernatural affability and understanding. These last qualities come through in his books, the most famous of which was: Introduction à la vie dévote (Introduction to the Devout Life), that - unusually for the time - is written especially for laypeople. Francis also left the mystical Traité de l Amour de Dieu (Treatise on the Love of God) and many highly valued letters of spiritual direction. Saint Francis de Sales, was a notably clear and gracious stylist in French, Italian and Latin. Along with Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (whose feast is celebrated on the 12th of August), Francis founded the womens Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary (Visitandines) in Annecy on 6 June 1610. He died on the 28th of December, 1622 in Lyon, France Saint Francis De Sales died at the age of 55 He is known also for his writings on the topic of spiritual direction and spiritual formation, He is particularly credited for his writings on the “Introduction to the Devout Life” which after so many years has helped in the spiritual direction of so many Catholics especially the Clerics and Saints. Saint Francis De Sales is also credited for his writings on the “Treatise on the Love of God” which has been useful in Spiritual maturity of institutions and individuals alike. His writings on the perfections of the “Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary” as the model of love for God, was so nourishing that the article influenced Saint Jean Eudes (whose feast is celebrated on the 19th of August) to develop a Catholic devotion solely to the “Hearts of Jesus and Mary”. Venerable Francis was beatified on the 8th of January, 1662, in Rome by Pope Alexander VII (who was the 237th Bishop of Rome since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) Blessed Francis de Sales was canonized 3 years later, on the 8th of April, 1665, in Rome by Pope Alexander VII (who was the 237th Vicar of Christ since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) Saint Francis de Sales was declared a Doctor of the Church by Blessed Pius IX in 1877 (who was the 255th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle). Saint Francis De Sales is the Patron Saint of Baker, Oregon He is also the Patron Saint of Cincinnati, Ohio He is the Patron Saint of Catholic press He is also the Patron Saint of Columbus, Ohio He is the Patron Saint of confessors He is also the Patron Saint of deaf people He is the Patron Saint of educators He is also the Patron Saint of Upington, South Africa; He is the Patron Saint of Wilmington, Delaware; He is also the Patron Saint of writers He is the Patron Saint of journalists He is also the Patron Saint of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest ------------------------------------------ QUOTE OF THE DAY: Saint Francis de Sales tells us: “The person who possesses Christian meekness is affectionate and tender towards everyone: he is disposed to forgive and excuse the frailties of others; the goodness of his heart appears in a sweet affability that influences his words and actions, presents every object to his view in the most charitable and pleasing light.” ----------------------------------- Reflection of the Day: (Pope Francis): https://youtube/watch?v=N8XjD8wGNdw ---------------------------------- Saint Francis de Sales took seriously the words of Christ, “Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart.” As he said himself, it took him 20 years to conquer his quick temper, but no one ever suspected he had such a problem, so overflowing with good nature and kindness was his usual manner of acting. His perennial meekness and sunny disposition won for him the title of “Gentleman Saint.” ------------------------------------------ Saint Francis de Sales is buried at the basilica of the Visitation, Annecy. Catholic Tradition tells us that many miracles have been reported at his shrine. The relic of his heart was kept at Lyon, whence during the French Revolution it was moved to Venice, where it is venerated today. The Roman Catholic Church today celebrates St Francis de Sales feast on January 24, the day of his burial in Annecy in the year 1624. From the year 1666, when his feast day was inserted into the General Roman Calendar, until the reform of this calendar in 1969, it was observed on January 29, and this date is kept by those who celebrate the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. In 1923, Pope Pius XI (who was the 259th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) proclaimed Saint Francis de Sales as a patron of writers and journalists, because he made extensive use of flyers and books both in spiritual direction and in his efforts to convert the Calvinists of the region. Catholic Tradition also tells us that Saint Francis was able to develope a sign language in order to teach a deaf man about God. Because of this, he is the patron saint of the deaf. The religious institute of the Salesians of Don Bosco, which was founded by Saint John Bosco in 1859 (and was approved by the Holy See in 1874), is named after Saint Francis de Sales. Catholic Tradition tells us also that the “Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales”, which was founded by Louis Brisson, is named after Saint Francis de Sales Also the Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales, which was founded by Peter Mermier in 1830 is also named after Saint Francis de Sales. Also, the Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle, better known as the Paulist Fathers also count Saint Francis de Sales as one of their patrons. The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, which is a society of priests, also has Saint Francis De Sales as one of their three primary Patrons. The Institute promotes Salesian spirituality heavily, using the Saints writings to instruct both their Seminarians and lay faithful. Saint Francis saw his mission as a Catholic Priest, simply discussing theology with the Protestants, introducing them to the love of God and ensuring for the laity that devotion was pleasant and desirable. He used extensively the printed word and promoted work and culture, treating everyone with loving kindness and unpretentious wisdom. Saint John Bosco (whose feast we are looking forward to celebrate on the 31st of January) was inspired by the “apostolic charity and evangelical kindness and patience of Saint Francis de Sales. Tradition tells us that Saint John Bosco chose “Saint Francis de Sales” as the model and protector of his own mission among the young. ---------------------------------------- POPE BENEDICT XVI (our 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the Pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) tells us about Saint Francis de Sales: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our catechesis today deals with Saint Francis de Sales, an outstanding Bishop and master of the spiritual life in the period following the Council of Trent. After a powerful experience of God’s liberating love in his youth, Saint Francis became a priest and then Bishop of Geneva, at that time a stronghold of Calvinism. His fine education, his personal gifts of charity, serenity and openness to dialogue, together with his brilliance as a spiritual guide, made Francis a leading figure of his age. His spiritual writings include the celebrated Introduction to the Devout Life, which insists that all Christians are called to perfection in their proper state of life, foreshadowing the insistence of the Second Vatican Council on the universal call to holiness. His Treatise on the Love of God develops this teaching, stressing that we find ourselves and our true freedom in the love of God. The Christian humanism of Saint Francis de Sales has lost none of its relevance today. May this great Saint and Doctor of the Church guide us in the pursuit of holiness and help us to find our fulfilment in the joy and freedom born of the love of God. -(Words of Pope Benedict XVI) -------------------------------- Let us pray (Oremus): O God our Father, who for the salvation of souls, willed that the Bishop Saint Francis de Sales become all things to all, graciously grant that, following his example, we may always display the gentleness of your charity in the service of our neighbor. We humbly ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. +Amen. ---------------------------------- Let us pray that by the prayers, works, spiritual direction, spiritual maturity, and intercession of Saint Francis De Sales, we may in this group find the spiritual motivation to win our souls for God. Amen Summary of the life history of Saint Francis De Sales can be viewed by clicking the photo of the Saint in our groups photo section. Saint of the day would be communicated to you as promptly and consistently as humanly possible, by Gods grace. May we all in this group and beyond this group, Christians and non Christians alike, Catholics and non Catholics alike, be saved from the fires of hell and lifted up into heaven after our stay here on this exile. Amen May our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Saint Francis De Sales and all other Saints before and after him, through Gods Divine Mercy strengthen our souls, open out the way for us all, and above all, intoxicate us with HIS love. Amen May Christ make us into blazing fires to enkindle the earth with the heavenly fire HE brought us. Amen Jesus we love you, all we have is yours, yours we are and yours we want to be, please do with us whatever you will. Amen Jesus, Mary we love you, please save our souls. Amen God bless you and grant your heart’s desire. Amen Saint Francis de Sales, pray for us. Amen. ------------------------------------------------------ For homily, click the link below: https://youtube/watch?v=XIAN_59le48 For a brief on our Saint of today please click the link below: https://youtube/watch?v=VNRRpOX1GFk https://youtube/watch?v=nunjcRNnNfc
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 14:10:11 +0000

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