Hello all, Happy feast day to all those born, baptized and - TopicsExpress


Hello all, Happy feast day to all those born, baptized and married today Happy feast day to all Deacons, Seminarians, Priests, Cardinals, Bishops, Monks, Nuns, Religious Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. Happy feast day to all named Vincent and parents of all named Vincent Happy feast day to all parents of the Clergy Happy feast day to all Clerics of the Congregation of Discalced Clerks of the Most Holy Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, popularly known to Catholics as (Passionists) Happy feast day to all devoted to the Passion of Christ, especially all who frequently say the “Stations of the Cross” Happy feast day to all Passionist Missionary Happy feast day to all children of Mary, especially all who recite Her Holy Rosary with true devotion Happy feast day to all Catholic Missionaries Today (September 25) marks the liturgical memorial of Saint Vincent Strambi He is also known as Vincenzo Maria Strambi He is popularly called Father Vincent Mary Vincent Strambi was born in Civitavecchia, the port city of Rome, Italy. He was born on (New Year’s Day) the 1st of January 1745 at Civitavecchia, Italy He was the son of a pharmacists. Vincent was an only child and he was understandably the joy of his parents. His parents happily encouraged his vocation to become a Catholic Priest! Catholic History tells us that as a child, Vincent had been educated by the Franciscans. When he was 15 years old he begged his parents to allow him to enter the clerical state. His father gladly granted this permission. Vincent received clerical “tonsure” and entered the seminary at nearby Montefiascone (November 1762). Vincent was the seminary prefect and rector Two years later he decided to continue his studies, not in the seminary, but in Rome. There he attended lectures on sacred eloquence or preaching. The following year he went to the Dominican house of studies in Viterbo to study theology. Vincent was ordained a Catholic Priest in 1767. Catholic History tells us that ‘Saint Paul of the Cross’ was the founder of the Passionist Missionary ‘Saint Paul of the Cross’ feast day is observed and celebrated by Catholics on the 19th of October every year On January 1, 1745 (Vincents birthday), Father Paul popularly known as (Saint Paul of the Cross) had already opened three monasteries and received the first papal approval. After a retreat led by Saint Paul of the Cross, in 1768, Catholic History tells us that Vincent decided to join Father Paul’s community which is popularly known as the “Passionists”. Vincent went to the novitiate on Monte Argentaro and took his vows a year later. History tells us that Father Vincent had just six years to absorb the spirit of the congregation from Saint Paul. He was sent to Vetralla for two further years of scripture study and sermon writing. He became a Professor of theology. In 1773 Father Paul put the former seminary prefect and rector in charge of the training of the young students for future missionary preaching at the newly acquired monastery of Saints John and Paul in Rome. Eventually Father Vincent wrote a manual on Sacred Eloquence. In this way he was able to be with “Saint Paul of the Cross” during the final years of his life. Catholic Tradition tells us “Saint Paul of the Cross” saw in this young man the apostolic spirit of holiness he was bequeathing to his congregation. We are told that as he was dying “Saint Paul of the Cross” one day turned to Father Vincent Mary and told him he was entrusting the congregation to his care. Vincent, like the others, missed the founder very much as he continued to prepare young Passionists for the Catholic Missionary Apostolate. He also went forth to preach missions as often as possible. In the year 1780, Father Vincent Mary became rector of the Community of Saints John and Paul. In 1781 he was elected provincial of the “Most Holy Cross and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” which is popularly known as the “Passionists”. Father Vincent Mary also served as provincial and general consultor. It was during this time that he published a biography of the founder (Saint Paul of the Cross). Father Vincent used the testimonies of eye-witnesses as given in the canonization processes. It is said that Father Vincent Mary wrote the life of Saint Paul on his knees, out of reverence for the founder. His “Life” of Father Paul became a classic and was greeted with enthusiasm by many. As the Vatican Council has reminded us, God calls Christians from both the lay and clerical states to the religious life. Father Vincent Mary Strambi came to the Passionists as a Catholic Priest who had been formed and educated in a small Tridentine seminary of that period, but who had also experienced university life in Rome and Viterbo. But even more he had shown the talent for teaching and training other young men for the Catholic Priesthood. These talents and experiences he brought to the congregation at the critical period following the death of the founder and throughout the Napoleonic revolutionary suppressions and during the restoration. Eventually appointed to bishop, Father Vincent Mary Strambi was loyal to the Pope and Holy See. He was a true pastor of souls, and not involved in political matters unless forced by circumstances of the times. Bishop Vincent Mary brought to the episcopacy a spirituality of • prayer, • prudence, and • pastoral dedication. He was Bishop of Macerata-Tolentino, Italy in 1801. Catholic History confirms that Vincent was exiled in 1808 for refusing to take an oath of allegiance to Napoleon, but returned in 1813 after Napoleon’s downfall. Napoleon issued a decree annexing Macerata as part of the French Empire. Despite orders from the French to have this decree read in all churches, Vincent refused. In a similar action he also refused to provide the French with a list of all the men in his diocese that would be suitable for military service. In September 1808, Vincent was placed under arrest for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the French invaders and was then exiled to Mantua. Vincent returned to his diocese four years later in 1814. His return was met by crowds who lined the route of his journey. Pope Pius VII (who was the 251st Bishop of Rome and Vicar of Christ since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) while returning from his own exile, visited Vincent and the Holy Father remarked: This holy man overwhelms me.” The invaders had left much damage in their wake, not only the destruction of building and churches, but the creation of lax morality. Vincent worked hard to rebuild the lives of his people and priests. In 1817, the French returned to Macerata where they set up their headquarters from where they would attack the Austrians. The people turned to Vincent for fear of what the French would do. Catholic History tells us that the Bishop gathered Catholic Priests and Seminarians in his private chapel to pray and after one and a half hours in prayer he rose and declared that Macerata would be saved through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Vincent met with the leader of the French army and begged him not to enter the town, Murat agreed. By doing this Vincent, saved Macerata from being attacked by Murat’s troops. The French were indeed defeated, though the local people feared what they would do during their retreat. Vincent then secured the assurances of the Austrian generals that they would not slaughter the French soldiers. Catholic History tells us that as the Catholic Bishop, Vincent instituted reforms throughout his Diocese, these reforms ended so much corruption such that he (Vincent) received death threats! Vincent Mary was an untiring Catholic Missionary and preacher. He worked with and for his people in during a typhus epidemic. Vincent resigned his see as the Bishop, on the death of Pope Pius VII, (who was the 251st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) Catholic History tells us that Vincent become an advisor to Pope Leo XII (who was the 252nd Bishop of Rome of the Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle). Vincent was now nearing his eightieth year and in 1823 Pope Leo XII gave him permission to retire. He was then appointed the Popes personal advisor and took up residence at the Quirinal Palace. It was during his time in this office that Napoleons sister, Pauline, returned to the Catholic faith with Vincents guidance. When the Pope fell ill Vincent asked God that his life should be taken rather than that of the Holy Father. Catholic History confirms that the Pope recovered from his illness and Vincent died a few days later Father Vincent Mary died on his 79th birthday He died on (New Year’s Day) January 1st, 1824. He died of natural causes His body lay in state at the Quirinal and was then buried in Saints John and Paul Church ----------------------------------------------------------------- Father Vincent Mary was beatified and given the decree of heroic virtues and declared as Blessed Vincent Mary Strambi in 1925 by Pope Pius XI (who was the 259th Pope of the Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) Blessed Vincent Mary Strambi was canonized and pronounced as Saint Vincent Mary Strambi in 1950 by Venerable Pope Pius XII (who was the 260th Bishop of Rome of the Catholic Church since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reflection of the Day As a Passionist, Vincent was a man of prayer and community observance. He was also a zealous and effective missionary preacher. He helped to develop the methodology for Passionist missionary preaching and also exercised roles of authority and leadership in the congregation. As biographer of the founder of the Passionist Missionary (Saint Paul of the Cross) Vincent did much to preserve Saint Paul’s spirit for future generations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us pray (Oremus) Jesus, only You are the best Shepherd of Your Church. Please support with grace those who are responsible for the fate of Your fold, so that following the example of Saint Vincent Maria Strambi, they devote all their powers and talents to service to the Church. You live and reign for ages and ages. Amen. Saint Vincent Mary Strambi is the Patron Saint of the Diocese of Macerata-Tolentino ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us pray that by the works, spiritual direction, spiritual maturity, and intercession of Saint Vincent Mary Strambi, we may in this group find the spiritual motivation to win our souls for God. Amen Summary of life history and works of Saint Vincent Mary Strambi can be viewed by clicking the photo of the Saint in our groups photo section. Saint of the day would be communicated to you as promptly and consistently as humanly possible, by Gods grace. May we all in this group and beyond this group, Christians and non Christians alike, Catholics and non Catholics alike, be saved from the fires of hell and lifted up into heaven after our stay here on this exile. Amen May our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Saint Vincent Mary Strambi and other Saints before and after him and through Gods Divine Mercy strengthen our souls, open out the way for us all, and above all, intoxicate us with HIS love. Amen May Christ make us into blazing fires to enkindle the earth with the heavenly fire HE brought us. Amen Jesus we love you, all we have is yours, yours we are and yours we want to be, please do with us whatever you will. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our lives and our salvation. Amen. Jesus, Mary we love you, please save our souls. Amen Saint Vincent Mary Strambi, pray for us. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:31:51 +0000

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