Hello all, Happy feast day to all those born, baptized and - TopicsExpress


Hello all, Happy feast day to all those born, baptized and married today Happy feast day to all Deacons, Seminarians, Priests, Cardinals, Bishops, Monks, Nuns, Religious Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. Happy feast day to all named Jerome and parents of all named Jerome Happy feast day to all who read the Bible as frequently as possible Happy feast day to the 35 Doctors of the Catholic Church Happy feast day to all Catholic Missionaries Happy feast day to all archeologists, librarians and scholars. Happy feast day to all school children Happy feast day to all Virgins and parents of Virgins Today September 30 marks the liturgical memorial of Saint Jerome. Saint Jerome was born year 347 in Stridon, Dalmatia He was the son of Eusebius, of the city of Stridon, which was on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia. He was not baptized until about 360, when he had gone to Rome with his friend Bonosus to pursue rhetorical and philosophical studies He is best known for his translation of the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate), and his list of writings is extensive While in Rome, Saint Jerome became a priest, and Pope Damasus asked Saint Jerome to translate the bible from Hebrew into Latin Pope Saint Damasus (who was the 37th Bishop of Rome since the pontificate of Saint Peter the Apostle) This translation has come to be known as the Vulgate bible which we still use today. Saint Jerome is best known as the translator of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin His edition of the Bible, the Vulgate, is still an important text of the Roman Catholic Church Saint Jerome had a hot temper and was difficult to get along with. He was tactless, outspoken, satirical, and vindictive. As examples, Saint Jerome was in conflict with the bishop of Jerusalem, and he was forced to leave Rome after his protector, Pope Damasus I, died, because he had made so many enemies by his thoughtless words. Catholic Tradition tells us that Saint Jerome removed a thorn from a lions foot, and the lion became his pet. Saint Jerome is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as a canonized Saint and Doctor of the Church He is the second most voluminous writer (after Saint Augustine) in ancient Latin Christianity. In year 383, he wrote a passionate counterblast against the teaching of Helvidius, in defense of the doctrine of “The perpetual virginity of Mary”, and of the superiority of “the single” over “the married” state He defended the ordinary Catholic practices of piety and his own ascetic ethics in 406 against the Spanish presbyter Vigilantius, who opposed the cultus of martyrs and relics, the vow of poverty, and clerical celibacy. As a result of his writings against Pelagianism, a body of excited partisans broke into the monastic buildings, set them on fire, attacked the inmates and killed a deacon, forcing Saint Jerome to seek safety in a neighboring fortress in year 416. After he left Rome, he went to Palestine and lived his last years in Bethlehem until his death in the year 420. Saint Jerome died September 30, 420 in Bethlehem, Judea His relics is at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome He is the patron of theological learning, anachronistically, as a cardinal, by the side of the Bishop Augustine, the Archbishop Ambrose, and the Pope Gregory I He is the Patron Saint of archeologists and archivists He is also the Patron Saint of libraries and translators. He is the Patron Saint of Bible scholars and librarians He is also the Patron Saint of schoolchildren and students Saint Jerome is the Patron Saint of Virgins He is also the Patron Saint against anger ---------------------------------------- Quote of the Day Popular Quotes of Saint Jerome are as follows........ I praise wedlock, I praise marriage, but it is because they give me virgins. (Jeromes Letter XXII to Eustochium, section 20 on-line) Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. (Jeromes Prologue to the “Commentary on Isaiah”: PL 24,17) ----------------------------------------- What Jerome is ignorant of, no man has ever known. - Saint Augustine of Hippo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the remotest part of a wild and stony desert, burnt up with the heat of the scorching sun so that it frightens even the monks that inhabit it, I seemed to myself to be in the midst of the delights and crowds of Rome. In exile and prison to which for the fear of hell I had voluntarily condemned myself, I many times imagined myself witnessing the dancing of the Roman maidens as if I had been in the midst of them: in my cold body and in my parched-up flesh, which seemed dead before its death, passion able to live. Alone with this enemy, I threw myself in spirit at the feet of Jesus, watering them with my tears, and I tamed my flesh by fasting whole weeks. I am not ashamed to disclose my temptations, but I grieve that I am not now what I then was. Saint Jeromes letter to Saint Eustochium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The measure of our advancement in the spiritual life should be taken from the progress we make in the virtue of mortification; for it should be held as certain that the greater violence we shall do ourselves in mortification, the greater advance we shall make in perfection. Saint Jerome ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You say in your book that while we live we are able to pray for each other, but afterwards when we have died, the prayer of no person for another can be heard.... But if the apostles and martyrs while still in the body can pray for others, at a time when they ought still be solicitous about themselves, how much more will they do so after their crowns, victories, and triumphs? Jerome from Against Vigilantius, 406AD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I interpret as I should, following the command of Christ: Search the Scriptures, and Seek and you shall find. For if, as Paul says, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and if the man who does not know Scripture does not know the power and wisdom of God, then ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. No one should think that I mean to explain the entire subject matter of this great book of the prophet Isaiah in one brief sermon, since it contains all the mysteries of the lord. It prophesies that Emmanuel is to be born of a virgin and accomplish marvelous works and signs. It predicts his death, burial and resurrection from the dead as the Savior of all men. Whatever is proper to holy Scripture, whatever can be expressed in human language and understood by the human mind, is contained in the book of Isaiah. -Jerome: from a commentary on Isaiah ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Latin Fathers are represented in a group, Saint Jerome is sometimes in a cardinals dress and hat, although cardinals were not known until three centuries later than his time, but as the other Fathers held exalted positions in the Church, and were represented in ecclesiastical costumes, and as Saint Jerome held a dignified office in the court of Pope Dalmasius, it seemed fitting to picture him as a cardinal. The Venetian painters frequently represented him in a full scarlet robe, with a hood thrown over the head. When thus habited, his symbol was a church in his hand, emblematic of his importance to the universal Church. Saint Jerome is also seen as a penitent, or again, with a book and pen, attended by a lion. As a penitent, he is a wretched old man, scantily clothed, with a bald head and neglected beard, a most unattractive figure. When he is represented as translating the Scriptures, he is in a cell or a cave, clothed in a somber colored robe, and is writing, or gazing upward for inspiration. In a few instances, an angel is dictating to him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us pray that by the works, spiritual direction, spiritual maturity and intercession of Saint Jerome, we may in this group find the spiritual motivation to win our souls for God. Amen Summary, life history, works and teachings of Saint Jerome can be viewed by clicking the photo of the Saint in our groups photo section. Saint of the day, practice would be communicated to you as promptly and consistently as humanly possible, by Gods grace. May we all in this group and beyond this group, Christians and non Christians alike, Catholics and non Catholics alike, be saved from the fires of hell and lifted up into heaven after our stay here on this exile. Amen May our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Saint Jerome and other Saints before and after him and through Gods Divine Mercy strengthen our souls, open out the way for us all, and above all, intoxicate us with HIS love. Amen May Christ make us into blazing fires to enkindle the earth with the heavenly fire HE brought us. Amen Jesus we love you, all we have is yours, yours we are and yours we want to be, please do with us whatever you will. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we give you our lives and our salvation. Amen. Jesus, Mary we love you, please save our souls. Amen Saint Jerome, pray for us. Amen. For a brief on our Saint of the day, please click the link below: youtube/watch?v=FlLCcVMzN4c
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:51:48 +0000

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