Hello all :) Im having some interesting thoughts I felt inspired - TopicsExpress


Hello all :) Im having some interesting thoughts I felt inspired to share. I just started Wayne Dyers latest book, I Can See Clearly Now. I am already enjoying it very much, and gaining wonderful insight. And yet, I was also feeling some discontentment as I read. Frustration, even. Wayne describes a childhood experience of knowing he would be on the Tonight Show one day, which he totally manifested, times ten. I am on board with the concept of co-create our own reality, and I get in a DEEP way how I can CHOOSE and REDIRECT my own thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. But at times, I have to put an emphasis on the co of co-creation. Because I dont know about you all, but Ive had certain experiences that I NEVER would have consciously chosen or created in a bazillion YEARS. HELL NO! Yes, I learned from those experiences, but definitely not by my willing assertion. Co was driving that bus, folks. With me kicking and screaming all the way. (They must have a seriously state-of-the-art navigation system to keep that bus straight when this chick pitches a fit) ;) Anyhoo, I was confused to hear Waynes story, because I had similar experiences as a young person, where I knew that such and such would happen (basically in my vision, I had the PERFECT voice that could do ANYTHING, and I was IMPOSSIBLY beautiful (yep, one day I just got transformed. Like cosmic Photoshop got its hands all up over me, and I LOVED it! Poof!). I envisioned a floaty, feel-good future of making wonderful music with people worldwide. Enter the screaming bus trips. Yeah. That sweet vision did not come to pass. Who the hell wrote THIS into the script?! But Ill tell you what ~ those screaming bus trips have changed me. To the CORE. And Im determined it will be for the better. And heres what I mean... What do you think of when you think of singing? First words that come to mind? What do you think when you think of beauty? First words that come to mind? I really would be interested in you putting your thoughts into the comment section below. I TOTALLY want to know what comes to mind for you! What rises up for me are glossy, perfected images of superbly gifted people who won a genetic lottery and who I can never hope to be. And who arent even those glossy, perfected versions of themselves, either! Hello Auto-tune and Photoshop. The world has a lot of unreality and perfectionism rolling around in it. And I was trying so desperately to be that cover-model perfect singer myself. Except that, gol dangit, Im just NOT. Nope. Not even close. SO... my path has been living with THAT as my reality instead of my ENVISIONED and DESIRED reality. And it has helped me realize something that is becoming more glaring and more essential and a more passionate driving force for me every day: Singing ~ like the REAL, SINGING FROM THE DEPTHS ~ is NOT just the role of the chosen few. SINGING FROM THE DEPTHS is NOT about PERFECTION or being BETTER THAN. SINGING FROM THE DEPTHS is ALL INCLUSIVE. ITS a BIRTHRIGHT. If we did it from our birth, IT WOULD BE AS NATURAL AS BREATHING OR WALKING. It is DEEPLY GROUNDING, PRIMAL, SPIRITUALLY CONNECTING, and UPLIFTING. It is a COMMUNAL ACT. It is ESSENTIAL to our LIVES. And when its taken away from us, we are EASIER TO CONTROL, because we dont TRUST OUR OWN VOICES. OMG. I WISH THERE WERE BIGGER CAPS and BIGGER FONTS AND BOLD AND A LOUDSPEAKER FOR ME TO SAY THIS. GAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! The same could be said for our sense of WORTH being attached to our physical APPEARANCE. Its like were becoming IMPOTENT AND INFERTILE because weve been separated from our INNER BEAUTY AND INNER VOICES!!!!! GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Anyway, fit of passion aside, I had my priorities all mixed up. I wanted to be special because of how I sounded and looked. And Divine Guidance came along and not so gently said, No, you are not special because of how you sound, or look, but simply because you ARE. Thats it. YOU ARE. And you are going to FIGURE THAT SHIT OUT, and then HELP OTHERS TO DO IT TOO. Now... GO! And Im still going. Im still figuring it out everyday. OMG. I really have to start a blog. These posts are getting RIDICULOUSLY LONG. Hah! Its just starting to gush out like ~ well, this is quite the image, but lets just say, Im starting to feel like a need a tourniquet. Geesh! Blood moon, here I come! Anyway, SINGING IS IMPORTANT. ITS PART OF BEING ALIVE and PART OF BEING HUMAN. And dont you DARE buy into the line of crap that says that you CANT SING, or that you have to SOUND GOOD if you sing. BULL SHIT. Seriously. Its just BULL SHIT. WHO SAYS YOU HAVE TO SOUND GOOD OR LOOK GOOD. ONLY YOU!!!! So if you want to sing, then SING!!!! Because it FEELS GOOD. IT VIBRATES YOUR INSIDES. It helps you express every single EMOTION ever known. It F***ING ROCKS! Now somebody bring me that tourniquet! ~LOVE, Kimberly
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:36:19 +0000

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