Hello all you good folks out there :-) I hope everyone is safe and - TopicsExpress


Hello all you good folks out there :-) I hope everyone is safe and well during this wild Scottish weather ! Basically I just wanted to say hello to all of you who are kind enough to take the time to be part of this site :-) recently I have not contributed much to the site and felt the need to share my thoughts with you. So please indulge me in a wee blether and feel free to comment :-) There seems to be a lull in the storm after the excitement and hopefull expectations of the referendum. Leading up to the that fateful day in September there was an abundance of interesting and positive news available to share with you. The sun was well and truly shining in every corner of Scotland in every sense of the word. It appears these days peoples frustration and impatience often leads to discontent and bickering. Sad to witness when only a few months ago there was such unity and friendship as every true Scot stood shoulder to shoulder fighting for Scotlands freedom. Pre referendum, everytime I logged onto the site I was so heartened and inspired by the level of activity and by the common bond we all shared . Scotland at its best :-) It was especially heartwarming to see the support for Alex.I am sure many of you like me regard Alex Salmond as a hero. I am not aware of anyone who has fought as long or as hard or so relentlessly to protect Scotland against the greed and manipulation of those who hold power in Westminster. A fight he has borne with courage , determination and yet somehow has managed to hold his integrity and dignity intact. Why anyone who truly cares about Scotland is unaware of that fact is a mystery to me. I am not sure if you agree but there doesnt seem to be a great deal of exciting news these days although SNP are progressing as best as possible under the circumstances. As expected Nicola Sturgeon is a brilliant leader of the SNP and is proving to be an excellent First Minister of Scotland. It is a joy to watch her in action at First Minsters Questions as she outwits and outsmarts the Lib Dems, Labour and Conservative members who do their best to disprove her intelligence and challenge her knowledge ! TELT is a word that comes to mind as I watch them lick their wounds. In the media its buisness as usual and the onslaught of lies and manipulation continues. That an individual with the integrity and intelligence of Jim Murphy recieves so much publicity says it all. I refuse to give him or Jackie Baillie and their likes any attention ! They have not earned it and in my opinion do not contribute anything positive to Scotland, on the contrary ! It seems like May is such a long way off and until the general election we must endure all the media taunts and nonsense we read online from people who are determined to work against Scotlands chances of improvement and progress. We can only hope that the current prediction of a landslide SNP victory are accurate and hopefully we will see many more like Darling, Brown and Lamont dissapear into thin air with their tails between their legs, as the people of Scotland cast their votes. Stay Calm good people, stay focused and in the meantime if you can help me out by sending any relevent and positive news I would be greatly obliged. Saor Alba , kind regards , Kathleen.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:56:54 +0000

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