Hello all you wonderful souls. What a happy planet this is - TopicsExpress


Hello all you wonderful souls. What a happy planet this is because you are in it! So many blessings are waiting for you during your journey here. Open, open, open your heart wide and receive the gift of who you are. Then WE can receive the gift of who you are. Sunday, I gave a talk on Intent vs. Impact at Hippy Talks In The Park. Yet, even though it was a great talk, all through the day I could not get off of my mind a dream I had that morning. I will describe it as best as I can in as few words as possible. It will make sense to you as this writing unfolds. “I was standing, facing a tall and good looking man, who had his hands placed tenderly on each side of my face. He said, ‘You are so beautiful!’ I felt this sense of confusion over that statement. Then I said, ‘why would an amazing man like you find me beautiful? I have curves, now, where there weren’t places before.” I suggested a cup of tea and walked towards the kitchen when he again made a comment about how beautiful I am, only more earnestly. I snorted at his comment, explaining to him, “Don’t you get it? I am a woman. I came here to this planet and chose this body knowing I would hate it. Honestly, there are few women who love their bodies. We all hate our bodies.’ This lovely gentleman’s face was clearly perplexed and hurt.” I woke up with that on my mind and pondered it all day long. One of the main reasons we are here is to experience impact. The impact we have on others and their impact on us. Understanding the intention of a behaviour or someone’s words is what gives us the understanding we need to make more loving choices. And after the talk given yesterday, I can see more clearly that how you feel about yourself truly does have an impact on other people, even though you may not say a word. People can feel it, and even react to it. They can sense it at those deeper levels and may not even be conscious or aware of it. They may feel uncomfortable to be around you, yet not sure why they feel that way. And you can feel their tension, too. Unfortunately, the impact our self-doubt and hatred have on others is also punishing. Our behaviour can be controlling or manipulating, or more covert, as in passive aggression. It hurts everyone. As an example, a victim needs a bully in order to stay a victim, just as much as a bully needs a victim in order to stay a bully. I realize I am oversimplifying here, but that is for another discussion. The Law prevails, however. It’s only when we no longer see ourselves as a victim of our feelings and circumstances that we can leave that behind us. We can heal that. Our experiences then shift, even just a little, for the better. That’s how powerful we are. That’s why we need to be responsible for our own growth and healing. It’s about what kind of an impact we want to have towards ourselves and then on others. So if you are having a bad day, then tell others that you are feeling “off” and it’s not them. Then tell them what you need, if they can give you that. Perhaps you need time to yourself, or take the day off, perhaps just a listening ear over a coffee and a hug. It’s also about understanding what someone’s true intention is behind their behaviour. When we are engaged in feeling slighted, we need only ask that other person why they did what they did? What was their intention? What were they thinking would happen by doing what they did? When I was 11 yrs. old, I remember cleaning my Mother’s and Father’s bedroom. I folded their clothing, hung things up and made the bed. They worked hard, had five kids to look after, and their bedroom was the last to be looked at. The impact that action had, however, was unfavourable. My Mother was very upset that I would go into her private domain, without asking. I cried. But when I told her why I did it, which was to help her and do something kind for her, she calmed down and understood my intention was out of love. It disengages our anger and gives us understanding. We begin to see that most people’s intentions are not to hurt us. Those questions, when asked with an open mind and heart, with compassion and love, can change everything in our world.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:31:43 +0000

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