Hello all your prayers are needed urgently : (i dont know if - TopicsExpress


Hello all your prayers are needed urgently : (i dont know if you will take time to read it all but try reading the first part) :/ Please pray for my best friends father who was taken to the emergency room yesterday . He is now in the ICU with uncertain diagnosis. Please pray for him to have a healed healthy heart and colon, pray that he gains overall strength and vitality, please pray that his mind is alert, sharp, clear and astute. Pray that whatever bleeding is healed. Please pray that her father is healed from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet and made healthy and whole. Please pray, in the name of Jesus that my friends Dad has a quick and immediate recovery of his health in a divinely perfect way. We have no other family here and now the two of us are separated by thousand of miles. I need you all to take a moment to pray for him. I appreciate and am so grateful that you all would pray so earnestly for a stranger by the request of another stranger. From the bottom of my heart thank you. :/ #Geetz Prayer : For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. I ask in the name of Jesus Christ: Heal My Best friends Dad form the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. Bless him God going in and out of every room or bed, every procedure, test, and examination. I want your blessings of health and recovery to chase him down and overtake him Lord because he is a blessing to other people. I am coming boldly, I know she doesnt deserve it, or he might not deserve it, but Im coming not in my name but, I come in the name of Jesus Christ. Im asking you to use me, this posting and all the people praying here. Im asking you to give my friends Dad divinely designed healing Im asking you to anoint my friends Dad. Im asking you to give him divine recovery, divine healing, divine clarity, and divine vitality. Im asking you to give my friends Dad divine favor, all under grace in a perfect way. I am asking you to bless and anoint all the staff attending to him; doctors, nurses, aides, and specialist. I am asking you to bless his attitude and spirit and those of his friends and family praying for his quick recovery. My friends Dad is established in righteousness and we have no fear. No fear here. Fear is not natural and its not okay because it does not come from God. We will not operate in fear. My friends Dad has been established in righteousness, he is the righteousness of God, therefore, my friends Dad has certain rights in the Kingdom of God: my friends Dad has the right to be healed. he has the right to be sound he has the right to be delivered to perfect health all under grace in a perfect way. I thank you God for this Kingdom Life. I thank you God for receiving my believing prayer. Neither my friend nor my her Dad can be separated from you God, the Giver, the Gift in Action. Thank you God for my friends Dads quick recovery. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR MY BEST FRIENDS DAD, IM SO GRATEFUL :/ Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 06:16:35 +0000

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